MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
četiri generacije

Kako je narastao! Na novom kraljevskom portretu princ George nije morao stajati na kutiji

Povodom novog desetljeća britanska kraljevska obitelj objavila je novi obiteljski portret. Pažnju je ukrao najmlađi član na fotografiji koji je zaista porastao

Povodom novog desetljeća britanska kraljevska obitelj objavila je novi obiteljski portret. Pažnju je ukrao najmlađi član na fotografiji koji je zaista porastao

Četiri generacije monarha poziralo je za novi obiteljski portert kraljevske obitelji. Trenutna kraljica Velike Britanije Elizabeta II. pozirala je uz nasljednike - sina Charlesa, unuka Williama i praunuka Georgea koji je, kao i uvijek, ukrao svu pažnju javnosti.

Princ George koji na jesen puni sedam godina pozirao je u dugim kariranim hlačama i bijeloj košulji, a svi su primijetili koliko je narastao. Inače, George je do sada uglavnom nosio kratke hlačice. Po tradiciji, duge hlače su za muškarce i mladiće,a kratke hlačice uvijek nose dječaci, što je pokazatelj više klase. Uz duge hlače, njegova bijela košulja obrubljena je plavim koncem, a takvu košulju nosi za sve svečanosti i tradicionalne portrete.

A new portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George to mark the start of a new decade, in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace, London, UK on the 4th January 2020.

Picture by Ranald Mackechnie/WPA-Pool.

This photograph is solely for news editorial use only; no commercial use whatsoever of the photograph (including any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-editorial use); not for use after 15th January 2020 without prior permission from Royal Communications. The photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified in any manner or form and must include all of the individuals in the photograph when published.
04 Jan 2020, Image: 490929148, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United Kingdom, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia

Princ u opuštenom izdanju: William i Kate poželjeli sretan Božić uz neviđenu obiteljsku fotku

Ranald Mackechnie zaslužen je za portret snimljen povodom ulaska u novo desetljeće. Prva fotografija na kojoj pozira kraljica s tri buduća kralja snimljena je 2016. povodom kraljičinog 90. rođendana, a tada je George stajao na postolju kako bi bio viši. Prije Božića, kraljica se također fotografirala s nasljednicima u opuštenijoj atmosferi. Tada je princ George na božićnoj fotografiji pekao kolače.

ONE USE ONLY. May only be used in conjunction with the release of the new royal family portrait by Ranald Mackechnie issued on January 4, 2020. 

File photo released in 2016 of Prince George standing on foam blocks during a Royal Mail photoshoot for a stamp sheet to mark the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. The sheet features four generations of the Royal family, from left, the Prince of Wales, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince George and the Duke of Cambridge, and the picture was taken in the summer of 2015 in the White Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace, London, UK, on the 4th January 2020.

Picture by Ranald Mackechnie/WPA-Pool

This photograph is solely for news editorial use only; no commercial use whatsoever of the photograph (including any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-editorial use); not for use after 15th January 2020 without prior permission from Royal Communications. The photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified in any manner or form and must include all of the individuals in the photograph when published. 

NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
04 Jan 2020, Image: 490929150, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United Kingdom, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia

22. siječanj 2025 07:20