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Meghan i Harryja nazivaju licemjerima: Njihov život na visokoj nozi je na udaru kritika

Vojvoda i vojvotkinja od Sussexa prozvani su zbog učestalog korištenja privatnog zrakoplova. Naime, mnogi smatraju kako je to neizmjerno licemjerno s obzirom na to da su im inače "puna usta" očuvanja okoliša.

Vojvoda i vojvotkinja od Sussexa prozvani su zbog učestalog korištenja privatnog zrakoplova. Naime, mnogi smatraju kako je to neizmjerno licemjerno s obzirom na to da su im inače "puna usta" očuvanja okoliša.

Meghan Markle i princ Harry u srijedu su otputovali u Nicu, a na svoje ljetovanje, na kojem slave rođendan bivše glumice, stigli su privatnim avionom. S obzirom na to da im je ovo već treći put da ovog ljet koriste privatni avion, mnogima su se našli na meti, osobito jer su oboje veliki zagovornici zaštite okoliša. Njihovo nonšalantno ponašanje mnoge je razljutilo, osobito jer su samo dva dana nakon povrtka s Ibize, ponovno sjeli u svoj privatni zrakoplov i otputovali na sljedeću destinaciju.

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2230 BST 18TH AUG* Meghan Markle cradles baby son Archie in both arms as she leaves the luxury private jet she and Prince Harry have come under fire for using while claiming to be eco warriors. The Duchess of Sussex, wearing a crisp white shirt and a stylish Panama hat, carefully clutched three-month-old Archie close to her chest as she exited the jet to join the Duke on the tarmac below. Amid tonight security, Harry, wearing a green polo shirt and blue cap, and Meghan climbed into a luxury limousine, with Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, to be whisked away from Nice Airport to continue their summer holidays. Harry, Meghan and Archie are believed to have stayed in a private villa, overlooking the Mediterranean, close to Saint-Jean-Cap- Ferrat, located at the heart of the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. It is the third time in three weeks the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have used a private jet. Harry, 34, arrived in the south of France after a week-long trip to the Spanish island of Ibiza, so American actress Meghan could celebrate her 38th birthday in style. They stayed for six nights in a luxurious private villa. They flew in on a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign, bigger than the the nine-seater Cessna XL they took for their trip to the south of France, although both are believed to be operated by NetJets, a plane-sharing service for tycoons and the mega-rich. While it is not known who paid for the �20k round-trip to Ibiza, Harrys millionaire pal Nacho Figueras is known to be a big user of NetJets  dubbed the Uber for billionaires.  The Spanish holiday came just days after Prince Harry attended Camp Google in Sicily, where he gave a speech about climate change to a group of celebrities, believed to include Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Campbell, Stella McCartney and Harry Styles. There he gave an impassioned speech about the environment and humanitarianism to a group of celebrities, many of whom stayed on luxury yachts after reportedly jetting in on 114 private planes. The decision to use a private jet is likely to raise eyebrows as the journey would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide than a scheduled commercial flight to the Spanish island. By taking a private jet, the royal couple were able to fly in and out of Ibiza without being noticed. The cost of a private jet for such European jaunts is likely to have cost up to �40,000 return.
14 Aug 2019, Image: 465937800, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ONLY Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Meghan su fotografi uspjeli uloviti dok je izlazila iz aviona s Archiejem u naručju.

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2230 BST 18TH AUG* Meghan Markle cradles baby son Archie in both arms as she leaves the luxury private jet she and Prince Harry have come under fire for using while claiming to be eco warriors. The Duchess of Sussex, wearing a crisp white shirt and a stylish Panama hat, carefully clutched three-month-old Archie close to her chest as she exited the jet to join the Duke on the tarmac below. Amid tonight security, Harry, wearing a green polo shirt and blue cap, and Meghan climbed into a luxury limousine, with Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, to be whisked away from Nice Airport to continue their summer holidays. Harry, Meghan and Archie are believed to have stayed in a private villa, overlooking the Mediterranean, close to Saint-Jean-Cap- Ferrat, located at the heart of the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. It is the third time in three weeks the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have used a private jet. Harry, 34, arrived in the south of France after a week-long trip to the Spanish island of Ibiza, so American actress Meghan could celebrate her 38th birthday in style. They stayed for six nights in a luxurious private villa. They flew in on a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign, bigger than the the nine-seater Cessna XL they took for their trip to the south of France, although both are believed to be operated by NetJets, a plane-sharing service for tycoons and the mega-rich. While it is not known who paid for the �20k round-trip to Ibiza, Harrys millionaire pal Nacho Figueras is known to be a big user of NetJets  dubbed the Uber for billionaires.  The Spanish holiday came just days after Prince Harry attended Camp Google in Sicily, where he gave a speech about climate change to a group of celebrities, believed to include Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Campbell, Stella McCartney and Harry Styles. There he gave an impassioned speech about the environment and humanitarianism to a group of celebrities, many of whom stayed on luxury yachts after reportedly jetting in on 114 private planes. The decision to use a private jet is likely to raise eyebrows as the journey would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide than a scheduled commercial flight to the Spanish island. By taking a private jet, the royal couple were able to fly in and out of Ibiza without being noticed. The cost of a private jet for such European jaunts is likely to have cost up to �40,000 return.
14 Aug 2019, Image: 465937812, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ONLY Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Kasnije je sa stvarima za bebu iz zrakoplova izašao i princ Harry.

Procjenjuje se da privatni letovi, poput ovog, sedam puta više onečišćuju okoliš po osobi nego što je to slučaj s komercijalnim letovima, a Britanci su ljuti i jer se Meghan i Harry u ovim kriznim vremenima ponašaju dosta raskalašeno. Unajmljivanje tog zrakoplova koji je registriran na firmu NetJets, tvrde stručnjaci, stoji oko 160 tisuća kuna. Iz Londona postoje čak dvadeset komercijalnih letova za Nicu, a povratna karta stoji oko 800 kuna.

Nakon što su treći put koristili privatni zrakoplov u samo osam dana, neumorno ih prozivaju za korištenje takvog komfora u neizvjesnim vremenima za njihovu zemlju, a još više ih je razljutilo kad je objavljeno da kraljevski par za svoj odmor na Ibizi nije nimalo štedio.

Megan i Harry su za svoje ljetovanje odabrali kompleks Vista Alegre Ibiza, koje često nazivaju i "igralištem milijardera". Resort se sastoji od desetak luksuznih kuća čiji najam stoji od 30 tisuća pa sve do 145 tisuća dolara tjedno. Iako nije poznato koliko su oni izdvojili, svakako nije bilo jeftino. Svaka vila dolazi s batlerom, kuharom i vozačem, a za svoje ljetovanje vojvoda i vojvotkinja od Sussexa pojačali su i svoje osiguranje, čime su dodatno razljutili porezne obveznike jer se radi o resortu sa stvarno jakim osiguranjem.

Nakon Ibize, trenutačno uživaju u Nici u Francuskoj, ali za ovaj dio ljetovanja još nije poznato kakav luksuz su odabrali. Iako su Britanci ljuti zbog njihove rastrošnosti, iz Buckinghamske palače odbijaju komentirati njihov odmor i ljubav prema putovanju privatnim avionom.

23. veljača 2025 23:34