Cruz, Harper i David Beckham
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David Beckham kakvog još nismo vidjeli: S klincima u lunaparku

Otkako je prekinuo nogometnu karijeru, David Beckham u potpunosti se posvetio obitelji. Pa je tako sinove Romea i Cruza te svoju mezimicu Harper odveo u zabavni park 'Winter Wonderland' i poput malog djeteta s njima uživao na svim vožnjama.

Otkako je prekinuo nogometnu karijeru, David Beckham u potpunosti se posvetio obitelji. Pa je tako sinove Romea i Cruza te svoju mezimicu Harper odveo u zabavni park 'Winter Wonderland' i poput malog djeteta s njima uživao na svim vožnjama.

Bivša nogometna zvijezda David Beckham (42) ne krije koliko uživa u danima koje provodi sa suprugom, modnom dizajnericom Victorijom Beckham (43) i njihovo četvero djece - oni su najveće zvijezde njegova Instagram profila. Najstariji sin Brooklyn (18)u rujnu je napustio roditeljsko gnijezdo kako bi se posvetio studiju fotografije u New Yorku, a njegovi roditelji nisu krili koliko su tužni zbog te odluke. No, ne moraju se bojati da će im se i ostali klinci tako skoro razbježati po svijetu - tinejdžer Romeo ima 15, Cruz 12, a najmlađa Harper tek šest godina.

EXCLUSIVE: Doting dad David Beckham with kids Harper, Romeo and Cruz have a blast on the rides at Winter Wonderland, London. David and the kids were all smiles as they looked to be having a great family time on a rollercoaster and a pirate ship at the popular Christmas fair in Hyde Park. 

Pics taken Nov 28th.
Pictured: Doting dad David Beckham, Harper, Romeo and Cruz
<B>Ref: SPL1632599  051217   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
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New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
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David, Harper i Romeo Beckham

EXCLUSIVE: Doting dad David Beckham with kids Harper, Romeo and Cruz have a blast on the rides at Winter Wonderland, London. David and the kids were all smiles as they looked to be having a great family time on a rollercoaster and a pirate ship at the popular Christmas fair in Hyde Park. 

Pics taken Nov 28th.
Pictured: Doting dad David Beckham, Harper, Romeo and Cruz
<B>Ref: SPL1632599  051217   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Splash News
David, Harper i Romeo Beckham

Još uvijek neizmjerno uživaju u tatinom društvu pa su se s njim uputili u zabavni park "Winter Wonderland" u londonskom Hyde Parku. Ne zna se tko je više uživao u vožnjama, a nakon što su se odlično zabavili posjetili su i štand sa slatkišima. Pripadnici klana Beckham zabavili su se bez obzira na to što su im nedostajala dva člana, a sreći neće biti kraja kad se svi, za Božić, okupe pod istim krovom.

EXCLUSIVE: Doting dad David Beckham with kids Harper, Romeo and Cruz have a blast on the rides at Winter Wonderland, London. David and the kids were all smiles as they looked to be having a great family time on a rollercoaster and a pirate ship at the popular Christmas fair in Hyde Park. 

Pics taken Nov 28th.
Pictured: Doting dad David Beckham, Harper and Cruz
<B>Ref: SPL1632599  051217   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Splash News
Cruz, Harper i David Beckham

EXCLUSIVE: Doting dad David Beckham with kids Harper, Romeo and Cruz have a blast on the rides at Winter Wonderland, London. David and the kids were all smiles as they looked to be having a great family time on a rollercoaster and a pirate ship at the popular Christmas fair in Hyde Park. 

Pics taken Nov 28th.
Pictured: Doting dad David Beckham, Harper and Cruz
<B>Ref: SPL1632599  051217   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Splash News
Cruz, Harper i David Beckham

EXCLUSIVE: Doting dad David Beckham with kids Harper, Romeo and Cruz have a blast on the rides at Winter Wonderland, London. David and the kids were all smiles as they looked to be having a great family time on a rollercoaster and a pirate ship at the popular Christmas fair in Hyde Park. 

Pics taken Nov 28th.
Pictured: Doting dad David Beckham, Harper, Romeo and Cruz
<B>Ref: SPL1632599  051217   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Splash News
Cruz, Harper i David Beckham

EXCLUSIVE: Doting dad David Beckham with kids Harper, Romeo and Cruz have a blast on the rides at Winter Wonderland, London. David and the kids were all smiles as they looked to be having a great family time on a rollercoaster and a pirate ship at the popular Christmas fair in Hyde Park. 

Pics taken Nov 28th.
Pictured: Doting dad David Beckham, Harper, Romeo and Cruz
<B>Ref: SPL1632599  051217   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Splash News

23. veljača 2025 17:22