Profimedia, Mega Agency
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Je li četvrti sin smirio nogometaša preljubnika? Fotografije s obitelji na ljetovanju čista su idila

Iza bivšeg kapetana engleske nogometne reprezentacije i njegove supruge je burna prošlost, uglavnom obilježena njegovim incidentima i preljubima. Ipak, obitelj je na okupu i to na Barbadosu gdje su snimljeni kako uživaju.

Iza bivšeg kapetana engleske nogometne reprezentacije i njegove supruge je burna prošlost, uglavnom obilježena njegovim incidentima i preljubima. Ipak, obitelj je na okupu i to na Barbadosu gdje su snimljeni kako uživaju.

Wayne Rooney i supruga Coleen koja mu je rodila sinove Kaia (9), Klaya (5), Kita (3) i najmlađeg Cassa Maca koji sada ima 13 mjeseci snimljeni su na plaži sunčanog Barbadosa kako provode zajedničke obiteljske trenutke.

Bivši nogometaš provodio je najviše vremena s najstarijim sinom kojeg su zabavljale morske aktivnosti, a ponosni otac na Instagramu je podijelio i fotografiju sa sinovima, baš kao i Coleen, no zajedničke fotografije ipak nisu osvanule na njihovim profilima.

EXCLUSIVE: *NO WEB UNTIL 1230PM GMT 25TH MARCH* Wayne and Coleen Rooney are seen deep in conversation on a Barbados beach after jetting in for their latest make-or-break holiday.
Once again wearing her wedding ring, Coleen, 32, showed off her trim figure wearing a pastel green Vix bikini. 
The couples rocky 10-year marriage suffered its latest setback earlier this month after the 33-year-old former England football captain enjoyed a boozy night out in Florida with barmaid Vicki Rosiek.
Furious mum-of-four Coleen was later seen without her gold wedding band.
Rooneys marriage was said to have been in jeopardy 18 months before that when he was arrested for driving party girl Laura Simpson, 30, in her VW Beetle in Cheshire while three times over the limit.
He was handed a two-year driving ban and 100 hours of unpaid community work, apologising for an 'unforgivable lack of judgement.
The couples four sons have joined them on the spring break vacation but only Kai accompanied them to the beach.
23 Mar 2019, Image: 421849395, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: *NO WEB UNTIL 1230PM GMT 25TH MARCH* Wayne and Coleen Rooney are seen deep in conversation on a Barbados beach after jetting in for their latest make-or-break holiday.
Once again wearing her wedding ring, Coleen, 32, showed off her trim figure wearing a pastel green Vix bikini. 
The couples rocky 10-year marriage suffered its latest setback earlier this month after the 33-year-old former England football captain enjoyed a boozy night out in Florida with barmaid Vicki Rosiek.
Furious mum-of-four Coleen was later seen without her gold wedding band.
Rooneys marriage was said to have been in jeopardy 18 months before that when he was arrested for driving party girl Laura Simpson, 30, in her VW Beetle in Cheshire while three times over the limit.
He was handed a two-year driving ban and 100 hours of unpaid community work, apologising for an 'unforgivable lack of judgement.
The couples four sons have joined them on the spring break vacation but only Kai accompanied them to the beach.
23 Mar 2019, Image: 421849493, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Brineta je pokazala zavidnu figuru u kupaćem kostimu, a sa suprugom je razgovarala dok su šetali po morskom pijesku. Ipak, kamere nisu uhvatile njihov bliski kontakt. Posljednji sramotni incident koji joj je priuštio dogodio se u jesen 2017. godine kada je policija uhvatila nogometaša u pijanom stanju u automobilu, u društvu nepoznate žene. Njegova supruga Coleen tada je u drugom stanju bila na odmoru u Španjolskoj. Tu vijest saznala je iz novina i iako je mislila da će s djecom nastaviti sama, oprostila je nogometašu nevjeru.

EXCLUSIVE: *NO WEB UNTIL 1230PM GMT 25TH MARCH* Wayne and Coleen Rooney are seen deep in conversation on a Barbados beach after jetting in for their latest make-or-break holiday.
Once again wearing her wedding ring, Coleen, 32, showed off her trim figure wearing a pastel green Vix bikini. 
The couples rocky 10-year marriage suffered its latest setback earlier this month after the 33-year-old former England football captain enjoyed a boozy night out in Florida with barmaid Vicki Rosiek.
Furious mum-of-four Coleen was later seen without her gold wedding band.
Rooneys marriage was said to have been in jeopardy 18 months before that when he was arrested for driving party girl Laura Simpson, 30, in her VW Beetle in Cheshire while three times over the limit.
He was handed a two-year driving ban and 100 hours of unpaid community work, apologising for an 'unforgivable lack of judgement.
The couples four sons have joined them on the spring break vacation but only Kai accompanied them to the beach.
23 Mar 2019, Image: 421849518, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: *NO WEB UNTIL 1230PM GMT 25TH MARCH* Wayne and Coleen Rooney are seen deep in conversation on a Barbados beach after jetting in for their latest make-or-break holiday.
Once again wearing her wedding ring, Coleen, 32, showed off her trim figure wearing a pastel green Vix bikini. 
The couples rocky 10-year marriage suffered its latest setback earlier this month after the 33-year-old former England football captain enjoyed a boozy night out in Florida with barmaid Vicki Rosiek.
Furious mum-of-four Coleen was later seen without her gold wedding band.
Rooneys marriage was said to have been in jeopardy 18 months before that when he was arrested for driving party girl Laura Simpson, 30, in her VW Beetle in Cheshire while three times over the limit.
He was handed a two-year driving ban and 100 hours of unpaid community work, apologising for an 'unforgivable lack of judgement.
The couples four sons have joined them on the spring break vacation but only Kai accompanied them to the beach.
23 Mar 2019, Image: 421851549, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

"Neću nabrajati Wayneove dobre kvalitete i ne mislim da je to u ovom trenutku zavrijedio, no jedno ću reći, on je brilijantan otac. Napravio je glupe i sebične pogreške, iz nekih je nešto naučio, iz nekih očigledno nije. Hoće li se to promijeniti? U životu, ne znamo što će se dogoditi sutra...Onima koji me žalite, poručujem - nemojte, hvala, jer sam jaka osoba i ne žalim samu sebe. A onima koji mi poručuju da sam glupa, želim reći da nisam glupa, da znam svoj um i ovo je nešto na čemu želim poraditi i dati nam priliku... Ovo je moja odluka, volim Waynea", rekla je tada nakon rođenja sina, a četvrti sin je čini se i pridonio njihovom zajedništvu i sreći.

24. veljača 2025 05:07