Adil Rami i Pamela Anderson
 Photographer Group /

Ostavlja 19 godina mlađeg dečka: Odluka joj je slomila srce, no zna da će joj jednog dana zbog toga biti zahvalan

Odluku joj nije bilo lako donijeti, ali Pamela zna da čini pravu stvar. Uskoro se vraća u Ameriku kako bi što brže zaboravila još jedan ljubavni brodolom u nizu.

Odluku joj nije bilo lako donijeti, ali Pamela zna da čini pravu stvar. Uskoro se vraća u Ameriku kako bi što brže zaboravila još jedan ljubavni brodolom u nizu.

Pamela Anderson (51) prekinula je romantičnu vezu s francuskim nogometašem Adilom Ramijem (32). Ljepotica "Spasilačke službe" donijela je odluku koja joj je slomila srce.

French world cup champion Adil Rami and his girlfriend Pamela Anderson are seen heading to Craig's restaurant for a romantic dinner date in West Hollywood. The couple arrived together at 10 P.M. and walked in separately. They left at 11:30 P.M. together. Pamela is wearing a beautiful floral dress. Adil is wearing ripped jeans. Onlookers inside the restaurant said that the couple were very affectionate and couldn't stop staring at each other.

Pictured: Adil Rami and Pamela Anderson
Ref: SPL5011984 240718 NON-EXCLUSIVE
Picture by: Photographer Group /

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World Rights
Photographer Group /
Adil Rami i Pamela Anderson

French world cup champion Adil Rami and his girlfriend Pamela Anderson are seen heading to Craig's restaurant for a romantic dinner date in West Hollywood. The couple arrived together at 10 P.M. and walked in separately. They left at 11:30 P.M. together. Pamela is wearing a beautiful floral dress. Adil is wearing ripped jeans. Onlookers inside the restaurant said that the couple were very affectionate and couldn't stop staring at each other.

Pictured: Adil Rami and Pamela Anderson
Ref: SPL5011984 240718 NON-EXCLUSIVE
Picture by: Photographer Group /

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 0207 644 7656
Milan: +39 02 4399 8577
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World Rights
Photographer Group /
adil i pamela

Remi ima dvogodišnje blizance Zayna i Madi s manekenkom Sidonie Biemont (35), a zbog romanse s američkom glumicom svoje obveze prema njima je vidno zanemario. Mališani su glumicu totalno šarmirali da je u kratkom vremenu dok se družila s njima donijela odluku o prekidu.

'Pamelino srce je razbijeno u stotine komadića, ali ona je sigurna da je to dobra odluka. Uklanja ga iz svog života kako bi učinio pravu stvar i kako bi bio s djecom', rekao je izvor. Ona se nada da će Adil probati uspostaviti bolji odnos s njihovom majkom. 'Zna da je riječ o njegovoj sreći i želi napraviti pravu stvar. Njegovi sinovi moraju biti prioritet. Jednog dana će joj biti zahvaliti', zaključuje izvor.

French world cup champion Adil Rami and his girlfriend Pamela Anderson are seen heading to Craig's restaurant for a romantic dinner date in West Hollywood. The couple arrived together at 10 P.M. and walked in separately. They left at 11:30 P.M. together. Pamela is wearing a beautiful floral dress. Adil is wearing ripped jeans. Onlookers inside the restaurant said that the couple were very affectionate and couldn't stop staring at each other.

Pictured: Adil Rami and Pamela Anderson
Ref: SPL5011984 240718 NON-EXCLUSIVE
Picture by: Photographer Group /

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 0207 644 7656
Milan: +39 02 4399 8577
Sydney: +61 02 9240 7700

World Rights
Photographer Group /
Adil i Pamela prekid

Zbog igrača kluba Olympique de Marseille Pamela se na neko vrijeme preselila u Francusku, točnije, u njegov rodni grad Marseille. Njihov fatalni susret dogodio se na prošlogodišnjem filmskom festivalu u Cannesu i od tada su bili nerazdvojni, no sada se vraća svojim sinovima.

West Hollywood, CA  - Actress Pamela Anderson and her son Brandon Thomas Lee were spotted grabbing dinner together at Craig's restaurant in West Hollywood.

Pictured: Pamela Anderson, Brandon Thomas Lee

BACKGRID USA 26 MARCH 2018, Image: 367069178, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Pamela Anderson i sin Brandon Thomas Lee na večeri

11. ožujak 2025 00:16