XactpiX/Splash News
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U poznate supružnike je gledala cijela tribina, nisu skidali ruke jedan s drugoga

Zgodna glumica i njezin suprug, razmjenjivali su poljupce, grlili se, šaputali i smijali se do suza na teniskom meču

Zgodna glumica i njezin suprug, razmjenjivali su poljupce, grlili se, šaputali i smijali se do suza na teniskom meču

Slavni glumački par, 36-godišnji Justin Timberlake i 35-godišnja Jessica Biel, nisu skidali ruke jedan s drugoga tijekom meča na US Openu. Pola Arthur Ashe Stadiona u New Yorku gledalo je u njih jer su zajedno već godinama, a izgledali su kao da su se prekjučer zaljubili.

Supružnici su došli pogledati dvoboj između velikog Rogera Federera i Feliciana Lopeza, ali čim bi se napetost na terenu smanjila, vratili bi se u zagrljaj jedno drugome.

Proteklog je vikenda Jessica Biel javno obilježila 21 godinu otkako je započela snimati TV seriju 'Sedmo nebo' koja se snimala od 1996. do 2007. godine.

Jessica i Justin oženili su se 2012. godine, a u travnju 2015 njihovu je ljubav dodatno zapečatio sinčić, kojemu su dali ime Silas Randall.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel love for each other goes on strong as they are seen flirting with each other while cheering on the players Federer vs. Lopez at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York City. 
Pictured: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
<B>Ref: SPL1567674  030917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: XactpiX/Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
XactpiX/Splash News

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel love for each other goes on strong as they are seen flirting with each other while cheering on the players Federer vs. Lopez at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York City. 
Pictured: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
<B>Ref: SPL1567674  030917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: XactpiX/Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
XactpiX/Splash News

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel love for each other goes on strong as they are seen flirting with each other while cheering on the players Federer vs. Lopez at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York City. 
Pictured: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
<B>Ref: SPL1567674  030917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: XactpiX/Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
XactpiX/Splash News

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel love for each other goes on strong as they are seen flirting with each other while cheering on the players Federer vs. Lopez at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York City. 
Pictured: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
<B>Ref: SPL1567674  030917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: XactpiX/Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
XactpiX/Splash News

24. veljača 2025 06:40