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Napokon je otkriven Banksyjev identitet

Identitet najpoznatijeg uličnog umjetnika na svijetu napokon je otkriven. Škotski novinar Craig Williams riješio je jedan od najvećih misterija u svijetu umjetnosti – identificirao je Banksyja.

Identitet najpoznatijeg uličnog umjetnika na svijetu napokon je otkriven. Škotski novinar Craig Williams riješio je jedan od najvećih misterija u svijetu umjetnosti – identificirao je Banksyja.

Iza planetarno popularnih grafita krije se Robert Del Naja, poznatiji kao polovica bristolskog trip-hop dua Massive Attack, tvrdi Williams. Nažalost, novinar nema nikakve čvrste dokaze kojima bi tvrdnju potkrijepio. Njegova teza o identitetu uličnog umjetnika (čiji su se prvi radovi pojavili devedesetih, prigodno, u Bristolu) temeljena je na preklapanjima datuma nastupa Massive Attacka s pojavom Banksyjevih murala na istim lokacijama. Iako zvuči vrlo nategnuto, podudarnost je iznenađujuće velika, a pridoda li se tome činjenica da je Del Naja – osim što se bavi glazbom – i cijenjeni grafiter, nije teško zbrojiti dva i dva. S druge strane, možda se zaista i radi o slučajnosti.

'3D' aka Robert Del Naja performing with his band Massive Attack. See SWNS story SWBANKSY; Artist 'Banksy' is not a former public schoolboy but a team of artists led by a member of the band Massive Attack, a new investigation has claimed. The graffiti star was unmasked in July 2008 as the ex Bristol Cathedral pupil Robin Gunningham. But journalist Craig Williams, 31, reckons Banksy is actually a team of artists led by graffiti artist '3D' aka Robert Del Naja, the founding member of the hip hop group. He has discovered at least six occasions where work claimed by Banksy has popped up around the world shortly before or after Massive Attack gigs in the same cities., Image: 298513284, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SWNS
/ Profimedia, SWNS

Ovo nije prvi put da je Banksyjev identitet “otkriven”: relativno nedavno znanstvenici su na temelju geografskog profiliranja, tehnike koja se koristi za hvatanje kriminalaca, potvrdili da se zapravo radi o Robinu Gunninghamu, no to je otkriće također okarakterizirano kao “nategnuto”.

BRISTOL, ENGLAND - JUNE 07:  A Banksy mural is left painted on the side of one of the classrooms at Bridge Farm Primary in Bristol during half-term is seen on June 7, 2016 in Bristol, England. The 14ft piece, showing a child with a stick chasing a burning tyre, was discovered at the school yesterday morning along with a letter to the caretaker and was said to be a thank you by the elusive artist after the school recently named a house after him.  (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
/ Getty Images
BRISTOL, ENGLAND - JUNE 07: A Banksy mural is left painted on the side of one of the classrooms at Bridge Farm Primary in Bristol during half-term is seen on June 7, 2016 in Bristol, England. The 14ft piece, showing a child with a stick chasing a burning tyre, was discovered at the school yesterday morning along with a letter to the caretaker and was said to be a thank you by the elusive artist after the school recently named a house after him. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 06: A cameraman films work during a press preview of the first unauthorized retrospective of works by UK artist Banksy on June 6, 2014 in London, England. The exhibition, curated by Steve Lazarides brings together over 70 works, in what is the largest collection of Banksy's work ever staged and runs at Sotheby's S/2 Gallery from June 11, to June 25, 2104 .  (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
/ Getty Images
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 06: A cameraman films work during a press preview of the first unauthorized retrospective of works by UK artist Banksy on June 6, 2014 in London, England. The exhibition, curated by Steve Lazarides brings together over 70 works, in what is the largest collection of Banksy's work ever staged and runs at Sotheby's S/2 Gallery from June 11, to June 25, 2104 . (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

Iako bi bilo prilično cool da se zaista i radi o Del Naji, što bi ga, u kombinaciji s glazbom, učinilo jednim od najvećih umjetnika svog vremena, ostaje nam da tek saznamo. A s obzirom na to da se radi o umjetniku čiji radovi dosežu milijunske iznose, prilično je sigurno reći da će se na otkrivanju identiteta zagonetnog uličnog junaka nastaviti raditi.

Potpuni izvještaj Craiga Williamsa, u kojem iznosi detalje svog istraživanja, pročitajte ovdje.

06. ožujak 2025 05:38