Photographer Group / Splash News
Životna misija

Mariah je smršavjela 22 kg i ne prestaje iznenađivati

Posljednjih mjeseci Mariah ne silazi osmijeh s lica: samopouzdanje joj je otišlo u nebo, zdravlje se popravilo, a zavidnih pogleda ne nedostaje...

Posljednjih mjeseci Mariah ne silazi osmijeh s lica: samopouzdanje joj je otišlo u nebo, zdravlje se popravilo, a zavidnih pogleda ne nedostaje...

Mariah Carey, 48-godišnja pjevačica, prije godinu dana je odlučila se na radikalni životni zaokret. Nekoliko ju je životnih udaraca na to ponukalo: višak kilograma zbog kojih su je mediji ismijavali, manična depresija koja se svako malo aktivirala, ljubavni krah s biznismenom Jamesom Packerom s kojim se razišla nekoliko mjeseci prije vjenčanja.

Dvije stvari bile su ključne da uzme život u svoje ruke (i krene od mršavljenja): zaljubila se u mlađahnog plesača Briana Tanaku, a tu su i njezina djeca, sedmogodišnji blizanci - za njih je odlučila opet postati fit i pozitivna osoba. piše da joj je najveći uzor i motiv da ustraje bila najveća rivalka: Jennifer Lopez. One su, naime, približno iste životne dobi, a JLo je vitka, fit i zdrava i besprijekoran dokaz da se može kad se hoće. I tako je Mariah naposljetku odabrala metodu za mršavljenje te se podvrgla ugradnji želučanog prstena, operaciji koja danas nije neuobičajena kod liječenja pretilih koji nakon zahvata više ne mogu unijeti veliku količinu hrane.

Kad je u nedjelju izašla s 35-godišnjim dečkom, odjevena u usku mini suknju i usku kožnatu jaknu pokazala je da se i dalje pridržava zdrave prehrane i vježbanja, dok je osmijeh koji dolazi iz srca govorio da je istinski zadovoljna.

EXCLUSIVE: Mariah Carey appears to have shed some weight as she and Bryan Tanaka along with her kids (Not Pictured) head to Italian Restaurant Dan Tana's for dinner in West Hollywood. The couple and her two children arrived to the establishment at 10 P.M. and left at 12:15 A.M. in the morning. They were in a joyous mood and were always smiling a lot. Mariah who has been photographed a few times in the past couple of weeks appears to have lost weight probably because she wants to stay healthy as she is getting older. Mariah is wearing a black short leather jacket, dark blue skirt, and black stockings. Bryan is wearing a black leather baseball cap, black jeans and a camouflage jacket.
Pictured: Mariah Carey And Bryan Tanaka
<B>Ref: SPL1701191  210518   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Photographer Group / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Photographer Group / Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: Mariah Carey appears to have shed some weight as she and Bryan Tanaka along with her kids (Not Pictured) head to Italian Restaurant Dan Tana's for dinner in West Hollywood. The couple and her two children arrived to the establishment at 10 P.M. and left at 12:15 A.M. in the morning. They were in a joyous mood and were always smiling a lot. Mariah who has been photographed a few times in the past couple of weeks appears to have lost weight probably because she wants to stay healthy as she is getting older. Mariah is wearing a black short leather jacket, dark blue skirt, and black stockings. Bryan is wearing a black leather baseball cap, black jeans and a camouflage jacket.
Pictured: Mariah Carey And Bryan Tanaka
<B>Ref: SPL1701191  210518   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Photographer Group / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Photographer Group / Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: Mariah Carey appears to have shed some weight as she and Bryan Tanaka along with her kids (Not Pictured) head to Italian Restaurant Dan Tana's for dinner in West Hollywood. The couple and her two children arrived to the establishment at 10 P.M. and left at 12:15 A.M. in the morning. They were in a joyous mood and were always smiling a lot. Mariah who has been photographed a few times in the past couple of weeks appears to have lost weight probably because she wants to stay healthy as she is getting older. Mariah is wearing a black short leather jacket, dark blue skirt, and black stockings. Bryan is wearing a black leather baseball cap, black jeans and a camouflage jacket.
Pictured: Mariah Carey And Bryan Tanaka
<B>Ref: SPL1701191  210518   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Photographer Group / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Photographer Group / Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: Mariah Carey appears to have shed some weight as she and Bryan Tanaka along with her kids (Not Pictured) head to Italian Restaurant Dan Tana's for dinner in West Hollywood. The couple and her two children arrived to the establishment at 10 P.M. and left at 12:15 A.M. in the morning. They were in a joyous mood and were always smiling a lot. Mariah who has been photographed a few times in the past couple of weeks appears to have lost weight probably because she wants to stay healthy as she is getting older. Mariah is wearing a black short leather jacket, dark blue skirt, and black stockings. Bryan is wearing a black leather baseball cap, black jeans and a camouflage jacket.
Pictured: Mariah Carey And Bryan Tanaka
<B>Ref: SPL1701191  210518   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Photographer Group / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/>
Photographer Group / Splash News

Na Majčin dan Mariah je svoje neodoljive klince počastila na sasvim neočekivan način: vodila ih je u McDonald's!

EXCLUSIVE: Mariah Carey and boyfriend on a Mother's Day outing with her children. While Mariah dined at Nobu, her seven-year-old twins, Monroe and Moroccan, preferred to eat at MacDonalds across the street.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
13 May 2018, Image: 371659042, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

11. ožujak 2025 02:54