Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Zavirite u raskošan novi dom Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford i Rande Gerber u listopadu prošle godine prodali su svoj dom u Malibuu za vrtoglavih 60 milijuna dolara. Kuću uz more sad su zamijenili nešto skromnijom vilom, vrijednom 12 milijuna dolara. U idiličnom okruženju najljepšeg kvarta u Beverly Hillsu pronašli su svoj mir, a ljepotu njihovog novog doma teško je opisati.

Cindy Crawford i Rande Gerber u listopadu prošle godine prodali su svoj dom u Malibuu za vrtoglavih 60 milijuna dolara. Kuću uz more sad su zamijenili nešto skromnijom vilom, vrijednom 12 milijuna dolara. U idiličnom okruženju najljepšeg kvarta u Beverly Hillsu pronašli su svoj mir, a ljepotu njihovog novog doma teško je opisati.

Nova kuća supermodela i njezine obitelji sastoji se od četiri spavaće sobe, što je za zvjezdane uvjete prilično skromno. No, eksterijer ovog doma ono je što u potpunosti oduševljava. Velika okućnica pruža savršen prostor za druženja uz bazen i roštilj, a kuća je od susjedstva prikrivena na takav način da zasigurno neće oskudijevati privatnim vrtnim zabavama. Otvorenog plana, interijer se spaja s eksterijerom u potpunosti, kako stilski, tako i doslovno. Pomicanjem staklenih stijena stvara se jedinstven prekrasan prostor koji čine kuhinja i dnevni boravak čiji je produžetak zapravo divan vrt i prostor uz bazen. Arhitektonski je osmišljena tako da svaki od četiri člana obitelji, koliko Crawford-Gerberovi broje, ima mogućnost da se na trenutke osami.

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341296, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341315, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341312, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341583, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

U interijeru prevladavaju ugodni neutralni tonovi, a svaki kutak kuće, kako iznutra, tako i izvana, obiluje ukusno biranim detaljima.

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341318, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341613, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341548, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber splash out  million on new Beverly Hills home. The Hollywood couple put their luxury Malibu abode on the market in November 2016 for a cool million - and now they have swapped their seaside home for a jaw-dropping pad in Beverly Hills. According to US reports, they purchased the one-storey contemporary home  in the idyllic 90210 zip code for million.
The property is located in trhe neighbourhood of Trousdale Estates and was originally listed for an eye-water .75million. The deal reportedly closed earlier this week with the dynamic couple purchasing the home from OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder - who has worked with U2, Beyonce, Adele and Ed Sheeran. Cindy and Rande's four bedroom property is equipped with an impressive outdoor area and pool and a fire pit. The modern home boasts an open plan living area and kitchen which flows perfectly into their manicured lawns and incredible view over the city with the help of folding glass doors.

Pictured: Cindy Crawford, Randy Gerber

BACKGRID UK 14 SEPTEMBER 2017, Image: 349341558, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Novi dom Cindy Crawford na Beverly Hillsu

Sretnoj četveročlanoj obitelji u posljednje vrijeme doista su se “poklopile zvijezde”. Njihova su djeca uspješna i sretna – naime, 16-godišnja Kaia Geber krenula je majčinim stopama i prije nekoliko dana po prvi put prošetala Njujorškim tjednom mode, i to na reviji velikog Marca Jacobsa, a iz prvih su je redova pratili ponosni roditelji. Njih su pak, prije nekoliko dana fotografi "ulovili" na ulicama New Yorka gdje, poput zaljubljenih tinejdžera, nisu mogli odoljeti poljupcima i zagrljajima.

24. veljača 2025 01:55