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Fotografije koje se pamte: Holivudske filmske dive i naočale koje su ih proslavile

Mnogi se s nostalgijom prisjećaju zlatne ere Hollywooda. Bila su to neka druga vremena kada su filmske dive bile istinske zvijezde, a to je za sobom povlačilo i brojne modne trendove.

Mnogi se s nostalgijom prisjećaju zlatne ere Hollywooda. Bila su to neka druga vremena kada su filmske dive bile istinske zvijezde, a to je za sobom povlačilo i brojne modne trendove.

Turbulentne ljubavi i brakovi privlačili su brojne fotoaparate koji su ih pratili u stopu, a svako njihovo javno pojavljivanje oštrilo je jezike modnih kritičara. No, unatoč toj popularnosti svaka je holivudska diva iz tog doba izgledala besprijekorno kada bi se pojavila pred publikom. I to je jedan od razloga zašto im se i dans divimo. Nove filmske uloge također su nosile i nove modne trendove, a jedan od onih koji se najčešće mijenjao bio je trend sunčanih naočala. Pedesete i šezdesete godine prošlog stoljeća obilježile su mačkaste naočale u svim veličinama dok je elegantan poluokrugli model velikih okvira nastupio nakon filma "Doručak kod Tiffanyja". Jedan od omiljenih bili su i bijeli okviri s crnim staklima, a s pojavom hippy pokreta stiglo je doba predimenzioniranih modela. Sve te modele naočala proslavile su različite filmske dive Hollywooda koje su ih koristile kao sredstvo zaštite od znatiželjnih pogleda, ali i jako cool modni dodatak.

Marilyn Monroe and her husband Arthur Miller arrive at London airport. 
14th July 1956, Image: 292120665, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: UK USE ONLY. Reproduction fee payable on use. For queries contact Photoshot on + 44 (0)7421 6000, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Uppa entertainment
Profimedia, Uppa entertainment
Marilyn Monroe obožavala je mačkaste okvire. Na slici sa suprugom Arthurom Millerom na aerodromu u Londonu 1956.

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller, circa 1956., Image: 108587027, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For Editorial Use Only -, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Hollywood Archive
Profimedia, Hollywood Archive
Marilyn Monroe i suprug pisac Arthur Miller 1956.

Grace Kelly, 1956, Image: 98231405, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Everett
Profimedia, Everett
Grace Kelly uvijek je birala bezvremenske elegantne okvire.

Princess Grace of Monaco,1960  © JRC /The Hollywood Archive - All Rights Reserved, Image: 197325615, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For Editorial Use Only -, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Hollywood Archive
Profimedia, Hollywood Archive
Glumica Grace Kelly u vrijeme kada je postala princeza od Monaka 1960.

Taylor, Elizabeth (Liz); US-amerikanische Schauspielerin; Hampstead (London) 27.2.1932 –
Los Angeles (Kalifornien) 23.3.2011.

Liz Taylor mit Richard Burton und den Kindern Michael, Christopher, Liza und Adoptivtochter Maria in einem sog. “Sandfloh” während eines Urlaubsaufenthaltes in Puerto Vallarta (Mexiko).

Foto, August 1969., Image: 147385524, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For editorial use only., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKG
Profimedia, AKG
Elizabeth Taylor proslavila je bijeli okvir. Na slici s velikom ljubavi Richardom Burtonom.

GINGER ROGERS., Image: 137041975, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Editorial Use only, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Album
Profimedia, Album
Ginger Rogers bila je jedna od prvih koja je počela nositi okrugle okvire.

BRIGITTE BARDOT (wearing Yves Saint-Laurent) in Lebanon, 3/14/1967, Image: 98214980, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Everett
Profimedia, Everett
Brigitte Bardot usudila se nositi i vanserijske naočale za to doba; velike četvrtaste s bijelim okvirima.

Jan. 1, 1960 - Meribel-les-Allues, France - French Kitty enjoying sun during her ski holidays in France. BRIGITTE BARDOT was the first foreign-language star ever to attain a level of international success comparable to America's most popular homegrown talents. Perhaps no other factor was more crucial to the far-reaching success of world cinema than Bardot's sultry allure., Image: 210148479, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Brigitte Bardot u Francuskoj 1960.

, Image: 39899212, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Strictly for editorial use only and not to be used for any commercial use. Please see terms and conditions for further information., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Image State
Profimedia, Image State
Neodoljiva Audrey Hepburn sa modnom usklađenim bijelim okvirom popularnih naočala.

Dec. 29, 1953 - Rome, Italy - The man who was commonly thought of as the best American popular singer of the 20th century, FRANK SINATRA with his wife AVA GARDNER arriving in Rome. Sinatra's voice, whether manifested in song or spoken word, caressed the ears of many a listener for more than five decades. Sinatra's legacy - countless songs and more than 70 films - continue to ensure him the kind of popularity that has reached beyond the grave to elevate him past the status of mere icon to that of cultural institution. AVA GARDNER began her career first as a model, then as a contract player at MGM, where her gawky, unsophisticated demeanor was totally made over by the studio into an image of inaccessible glamour, Image: 210127911, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Ava Gardner redovito je nosila sunčale naočale i kad nije bilo sunca. Na slici sa velikom ljubavi Frankom Sinatrom 1953. u Rimu.

6th November 1952:  Frank Sinatra (1915 - 1998) and his wife Ava Gardner (1922 - 1990), leaving London for a trip to Africa, where Ava is to make a film.  (Photo by Reg Birkett/Keystone/Getty Images)
Getty Images
Frank Sinatra i Ava Gardner u Londonu i na odlasku za Afriku gdje je Ava snimala novi film 1952.

24th November 1965:  Italian film actress Sophia Loren at London Airport.  (Photo by Stroud/Express/Getty Images)
Getty Images
Talijanska diva Sophia Loren na londonskom aerodromu 1965.

TO CATCH A THIEF, Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, 1955, Image: 97133733, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Everett
Profimedia, Everett
Cary Grant i Grace Kelly u filmu "To Catch a Thief" 1955.

Married actors Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011) and Richard Burton (1925 - 1984)  arrive at Heathrow Airport in London, en route from South Africa, 10th November 1975. A month earlier, they had married each other for the second time in Botswana. (Photo by Roger Jackson/Central Press/Getty Images)
Getty Images
Legendarni supružnici Richard Burton i Elizabeth Taylor 1975.

FILE - The LA County Sheriff's Office is reopening its investigation into the death of movie star Natalie Wood, who drowned in 1981 while boating off Catalina Island. Homicide investigators are taking a new look at one of Hollywood's most enduring mysteries after they were contacted by people who claimed they had
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Natalie Wood voljela je velike četvrtaste okvire. Na slici sa suprugom Robertom Wagnerom.

19. ožujak 2025 00:48