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Obitelj Versace ogradila se od serije o smrti legendarnog dizajnera

Serija se temelji na knjizi "Vulgar Favors" za koju Donatella smatra da je puna izmišljotina

Serija se temelji na knjizi "Vulgar Favors" za koju Donatella smatra da je puna izmišljotina

Dugo iščekivana serija od devet nastavaka, "The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story", svjetlo dana ugledat će 17.01.2018. godine.

Serija koju je režirao Ryan Murphy, poznat po radu na serijama "Glee", "American Horror Story" i "Scream Queens", priča priču o zadnjim mjesecima života i tragičnoj smrti slavnog dizajnera Giannija Versacea, koji je pred svojom vilom u Miamiju preminuo kad ga je 1997. godine upucao manijakalni serijski ubojica Andrew Cunanan.

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8654	
Versace 1		
See Ferrari text
Picture MUST credit : FX Networks

Award winning actress Penelope Cruz look almost unrecognisable in long blonde hair  as fashion designer Donatella Versace.She stars in a 10 part TV series about the 1997 cold-blooded murder of her brother , Italian fashion icon Gianni Versace.The series also stars pop star and actor Ricky Martin as Gianni’s distraught partner Antonio D’Amico.The 50-year-old Versace was gunned down on the steps of his Miami home by serial killer Andrew Cunanan played in the film by Darren Criss.Cunanan ,27, used the same gun to commit suicide on a houseboat eight days later. Versace was Cunanan's fifth and final victimA first trailer for the drama, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: An American Crime Story , opens with Ricky Martin running down the steps of the Versace Mansion screaming for help.With lawyers and policemen swamping the place, the clipping shows Donatella played by Cruz,  in a perturbed state.Fighting back tears, she says to an acquaintance:” , “’He was a creator, he was a genius, everything you see around us, this house, this company… I will not allow this man, this nobody, to kill my brother twice.”There is also a shot of Martin as D’Amico hours after the killing in tennis whites still covered in Versace’s blood.He had found the body and tried to help his stricken partner.During the sixty second-long  teaser, Cunanan is seen killing another of his victims whom he stabs after wrapping his face in duct tapMeanwhile Venezuelan actor Edgar Ramirez, , who plays Gianni Versace, is seen on the cat-walk at the end of another successful fashion show, getting the acclaim of the audience.He is also shown on the red carpet with his sister before another glitzy event.Meanwhile Cunanan is seen flicking through magazines and later snipping out newspaper stories of the mogul’s killing which are pinned to a notice board.The character is also seen meeting Versace in a nightclub.The trailer ends with Versace walking back up the steps of his home after buying a newspaper and turning to see Cunanan running at him with a gun aimed at his,It ends with the sound of a gunshot.The film is part of the award-winning American Crime Story series on the FX cable and satellite channel.It has previously featured the dramatised murder trial of OJ SimpsonThe Versace story is due to premiere on January 17 2018.

OPS: A clip from , The Assassination of Gianni Versace: An American Crime Story. Gianni Versace played by Edgar Ramirez
Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 355787863, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Profimedia, Ferrari

Uz Édgara Ramíreza u ulozi Giannija, Rickyja Martina u ulozi njegova dečka Antonija i Darrena Chrisa u ulozi ubojice, jednu od glavnih uloga nosi Penelope Cruz, koja igra Donatellu Versace, nasljednicu talijanskog modnog carstva koja je ujedno njezina dobra prijateljica.


TV show
Profimedia, Planet

Donatella je prije nekoliko mjeseci izjavila kako je pričala s Penelope koja je obećala da će poštovati nju i njezinu obitelj, ali i da se boji kako će producent prepričati priču temeljenu na knjizi "Vulgar Favors" koja je, po njezinim riječima, puna izmišljotina.

Premijera serije u Los Angelesu održana je sinoć, a isti dan javila se i obitelj Versace kako bi službeno potvrdila da modna kuća nema veze s ekranizacijom priče o Gianniju, piše Vogue.

January 9, 2018 - Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA - Penelope Cruz bei der Premiere der FX TV-Serie 'The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story' im ArcLight Hollywood. Los Angeles, 08.01.2018, Image: 359648781, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

"Obitelj Versace nije autorizirala niti je na bilo koji način povezana sa serijom koja govori o smrti Giannija Versacea. Kako obitelj Versace nije autorizirala knjigu koja je poslužila za neke dijelove priče, ova se serija mora smatrati fikcijom", objavila je obitelj u službenom izvješću.

Inače, spomenutu knjigu "Vulgar Favors" 1999. godine napisala je Maureen Orth, nakon pomnog istraživanja života i osobnosti mladog Andrewa, koji je ubio pet ljudi, a zatim i sebe.

U knjizi Orth tvrdi da je Gianni plaćao muškarcima za seks te da je u vrijeme smrti bio pozitivan na HIV, što je jedan od razloga zbog kojih je obitelj Versace odbila podržati spisateljicu i njezinu priču.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - Celebrities are seen attending the 2017 Fashion Awards held at the Royal Albert Hall in London, UK.

Pictured: Donatella Versace

BACKGRID UK 4 DECEMBER 2017, Image: 357063763, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Donatella Versace, sestra pokojnog Giannija

15. siječanj 2025 15:42