Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
glamur s dvora

Slavi 70. rođendan: Donosimo 10 vrhunskih modnih trenutaka princeze Anne

Već desetljećima žene diljem svijeta kopiraju modne kombinacije koje princeza Anna nosi s nevjerojatnom lakoćom i profinjenošću, bez straha od živih uzoraka i neobičnih krojeva.

Već desetljećima žene diljem svijeta kopiraju modne kombinacije koje princeza Anna nosi s nevjerojatnom lakoćom i profinjenošću, bez straha od živih uzoraka i neobičnih krojeva.

Princeza Anna, prva i jedina kći kraljice Elizabete II. i princa Phillipa, slavi svoj 70. rođendan.

Odrasla je uz tri brata, Charlesa, Edwarda i Andrewa, no svu je ženstvenost i ljubav prema finim materijalima i upečatljivim bojama naslijedila od majke koja ju je rodila 15. kolovoza 1950., kad je još bila princeza.

Pogledajte neke od najboljih modnih trenutaka princeze Anne!

Bijele rukavice jedan su od zaštitnih znakova princeze Anne, koja je od najmlađih dana briljirala izborom toaleta za svečane prigode. U žutoj je haljini, s blještavom tijarom na glavi, kao dvadesetogodišnjakinja izgledala poput princeze iz bajke.

Prince Charles and Princess Anne, Wellington, New Zealand
Princess Anne,Image: 229349221, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Još kao djevojka, sestra princa Charlesa znala je običan outfit pretvoriti u odjevnu kombinaciju dostojnu princeze. Obična plava košulja uz plavu je svilenu maramu dobila profinjenu notu.

Princess Anne in Kiev, Russia
Princess Anne,Image: 229349435, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

U sedamdesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća princeza Anna nije se libila nositi minice, čak i kad bi rub bio kraći od onoga što predlažu dvorska pravila. Vitkoj princezi tada popularne haljinice krupnih uzoraka stajale su kao salivene.

Jul. 07, 1971 - PRINCESS ANNE LEAVES HOSPITAL PRINCESS ANNE Ieft the King Edward .11 Hospital for Officers today,10 days after an operation for the removal of an inflamed overian cyst. Prince Charles and Prince Edward went to the Hospital to driver her to Windsor were she will spend the weekend with the Royal Filly, PHOTO SHOWS PRINCESS ANNE seen leaving the hospital this Morning with the Matron,Image: 209825707, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Keystone Pictures USA / Zuma Press / Profimedia
Keystone Pictures USA / Zuma Press / Profimedia

Anne se nikad nije bojala odvažnih uzoraka ni efektnih modnih detalja!

Princess Anne at a ladies' tea party in the Sudan
Princess Anne,Image: 233265776, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Princeza Anna za Marka Phillipsa vjenčala se krajem 1973. godine, u čarobnoj vjenčanici koju ju dizajnirala Maureen baker, dizajnerica modne kuće Susan Small. Vjenčanica inspirirana stilom Tudora oduševila je britansku javnost, a šuškalo se da je sama princeza sudjelovala u stvaranju zanosne bijele kreacije.

Nov. 11, 1973 - Wedding Of Princess Anne And Captain Mark Phillips At Westminster Abbey. Photo Shows:- The bride and groom smiling broadly as they left Westminster Abbey after their wedding today, followed by Prince Edward who was the Page and Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones, the bridesmaid. Behind is the Best Man, Capt. Eric Grounds.,Image: 209875578, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Keystone Pictures USA / Zuma Press / Profimedia
Keystone Pictures USA / Zuma Press / Profimedia

Da su točkice omiljeni uzorak ove princeze, nije tajna. Pogledajte samo ovu zanosnu ružičastu haljinu tog bezvremenskog uzorka.

Princess Anne on the Grand staircase of Buckingham Palace
Princess Anne,Image: 233267218, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
Reginald Davis / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Vizija u bijelom! Zahvaljujući vitkoj figuri i elegantnoj pojavi Anne si je uvijek mogla dopustiti jednobojne kombinacije koje ne stoje svima...

Princess Anne's Recycled Clothes
783441 COM

Princess Anne's Recycled Clothes

Princess Anne has long been known by fashion-conscious Royal watchers as one of the least profligate Royals when it comes to clothing, believing that if a dress is worth wearing once, then it's worth wearing again. 

This was highlighted recently (Jul 2008) when she wore the same outfit at the wedding of her cousin Lady Rose Windsor as the one she wore to Prince Charles's wedding to Diana 27 years previously. The white dress with yellow floral print was even partnered by the same hat she wore back in 1981. 

Unlike others in the public eye, the Princess Royal believes in being frugal by recycling items in her wardrobe.
BRENDAN BEIRNE / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Vitka Anne u devedesetima je uživala noseći kostime s peplumom i suknje pencil kroja, a još više haljine smjelih uzoraka uz koje je birala trendi dodatke.

Princess Anne
Princess Anne's Recycled Clothes
783441 COM

Princess Anne's Recycled Clothes

Princess Anne has long been known by fashion-conscious Royal watchers as one of the least profligate Royals when it comes to clothing, believing that if a dress is worth wearing once, then it's worth wearing again. 

This was highlighted recently (Jul 2008) when she wore the same outfit at the wedding of her cousin Lady Rose Windsor as the one she wore to Prince Charles's wedding to Diana 27 years previously. The white dress with yellow floral print was even partnered by the same hat she wore back in 1981. 

Unlike others in the public eye, the Princess Royal believes in being frugal by recycling items in her wardrobe.
Bryn Colton / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Uvijek glamurozna, princeza Anna na jednom je humanitarnom eventu u londonskom muzeju Natural History Museum početkom dvijetisućitih godina, sve ostavila bez daha pojavivši se u satenskom kompletu bluze s oversized mašnom i suknjom s visokim prorezom.

Princess Anne's Recycled Clothes
783441 COM

Princess Anne's Recycled Clothes

Princess Anne has long been known by fashion-conscious Royal watchers as one of the least profligate Royals when it comes to clothing, believing that if a dress is worth wearing once, then it's worth wearing again. 

This was highlighted recently (Jul 2008) when she wore the same outfit at the wedding of her cousin Lady Rose Windsor as the one she wore to Prince Charles's wedding to Diana 27 years previously. The white dress with yellow floral print was even partnered by the same hat she wore back in 1981. 

Unlike others in the public eye, the Princess Royal believes in being frugal by recycling items in her wardrobe.
Julian Makey / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

2017. godine u Njemačkoj je zablistala u svilenom kostimu ledeno plave boje koji je iskombinirala sa chic tamnoplavim detaljima.

Princess Anne
Queen Elizabeth II. Birthday Celebration at the Anglo-German Club, Hamburg, Germany - 15 Jun 2017,Image: 338039834, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: action press / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
action press / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

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11. ožujak 2025 06:05