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Top stajlinzi Victorije Beckham s početka karijere: 'Ne stidim se ničega!'

Sjećate li se Victoria Beckham na početku svjetske karijere dok je još bila članica grupe Spice Girls? Od tada je u modnom smislu itekako napredovala i ostvarila još zapaženiju karijeru.

Sjećate li se Victoria Beckham na početku svjetske karijere dok je još bila članica grupe Spice Girls? Od tada je u modnom smislu itekako napredovala i ostvarila još zapaženiju karijeru.

Ultra kratke minice, topići koji pokazuju previše i cjeloviti kožnati outfiti doveli su Victoriju Beckham (44) do toga gdje je danas, barem si ona to tako objašnjava. U vrijeme kad je osvajala svijet svojim nastupima na stageu, takvi outfiti su bili dio cjelokupne priče, ali priznaje da joj se sviđa koliko je u modnim kombinacijama napredovala od tada.

'Jeste li vidjeli neke Spice Girls outfite? Neki outfiti su stvarno bili hrabri', rekla je Victoria za britansku Graziju.

NEW YORK - APRIL 28:  (L to R) Designer Stefano Gabbana, model Naomi Campbell, former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and model Linda Evangelista arrive for
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Before They Had Stylists!
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Proving that good looks will only get you so far, many of today's biggest stars displayed a woeful lack of style before they hit the big time and an army of stylists got their hands on them. 

They may be the ultimate beautiful couple now but back in the day Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie both had a decidedly hippy vibe. Long flowing hair competed with long flowing clothes. But, with the addition of a few years of wisdom, a good haircut, and a classic LBD, hey presto - you get the best looking couple in Hollywood.

Back in 1998, considering the Beckham's love of matching (and often cringe worthy) outfits, no one could have guessed that in just a few short years he would be the world's most famous metrosexual (with a penchant for wearing his wife's underwear) and she would have morphed into the super skinny, queen of couture that we all know today. However, it would seem that not even Posh's army of stylists were able to get her to part with her favourite accessory - her pout.

The Hollywood fairytale: Once upon a time there was a young 'butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' actress who starred in the popular teenage programme Dawson's Creek. There was also a fashion - not to mention height - challenged young man who eventually grew up to be her prince charming in stacked heels. Many ostentatious displays of affection - not to mention a bizarre sofa jumping episode - later, the pair were married. Fast forward through a pregnancy and some disturbing scientology rumours and out steps the king of Hollywood, Tom Cruise, and his super sleek and styled queen, Katie Holmes.

Speaking of Tom Cruise; who would have ever thought that his at one point frizzy haired, frumpy ex wife, Nicole Kidman, would emerge as such a porcelain beauty. Just goes to show what a goo..., Image: 227007585, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Victoria i David Beckham, 1998. godina

SPICE WORLD, Melanie Brown as Scary Spice, Emma Bunton as Baby Spice, Melanie Chisholm as Sporty Spice, Geri Halliwell as Ginger Spice, Victoria Beckham as Posh Spice, 1997, (c)Columbia Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection, Image: 98185039, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; ©Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Everett
Profimedia, Everett

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Spice Girls

LONDON - JUNE 28:  Victoria Beckham of Spice Girls attending news conference to make a 'Big Announcement' With Regards To A World Tour And Album at O2 Arena on June 28, 2007 in London, England.  (Photo by MJ Kim/Getty Images)
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'Outfite koje sam tada odijevala sam gledala kao dio koreografije i ne stidim ih se. Pomoću njih sam došla do mjesta gdje sam sad. Život je prekratak za žaljenje oko promašenih modnih kombinacija', dodala je Victoria koja je radije izabrala život modne dizajnerice nego pjevačice. Mikrofon je odavno objesila o klin i pustila svoje kolegice Emmu Bunton, Geri Horner, Mel B and Mel C da same održe mini turneju. Uvažena dizajnerica naglašava da odijeva samo komade u kojima se osjeća nepobjedivo.

'Najbolje se odijevaju oni ljudi koji u svom outfitu izgledaju samouvjereno. Ako se osjećaš dobro, dobro i izgledaš - jednostavno je!'

Victoria će ove godine u srpnju proslaviti 20 godina braka s bivšim nogometašem Davidom Beckhamom. Par ima četvero djece - Brooklyna, (19), Romea, (16), Cruza, (14) i Harper (7).

'Stvarno se smatram sretnicom što sam s njim u braku. Uz Davida sam pronašla srodnu dušu. On je divan suprug i fantastični tata. Mislim da za godišnjicu nećemo raditi ništa veliko. Vjerojatno ćemo samo to proslaviti s našom djecom', rekla je za Entertainment Tonight.

23. veljača 2025 11:40