BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
ludo zaljubljena

Besramno ostavio zaručnicu, no glumicu nije briga: S omraženim dečkom Katie uživa u svakom trenutku

Katie Holmes i novi odabranik njezina srca na vožnji trajektom izgledali su poput zaljubljenih tinejdžera. 41-godišnja glumica nije mogla skinuti pogled s mladog ugostitelja koji je zbog nje ostavio zaručnicu na besraman način.

Katie Holmes i novi odabranik njezina srca na vožnji trajektom izgledali su poput zaljubljenih tinejdžera. 41-godišnja glumica nije mogla skinuti pogled s mladog ugostitelja koji je zbog nje ostavio zaručnicu na besraman način.

Glumicu je javnost uvijek smatrala pristupačnom 'curom iz susjedstva' pa su tako fanovi stali na njezinu stranu nakon razvoda s Tomom Cruiseom, a nakon prekida s Jamiejem Foxxom, svi su se nadali da će završiti u zagrljaju svog dugogodišnjeg prijatelja Bradleyja Coopera, s kojim se često viđala.

Ipak, Katie je sve iznenadila kad su u javnost iscurile prve fotografije koje su otkrile vezu s osam godina mlađim ugostiteljem, Emiliom Vitolom, koji je, kako se kasnije doznalo, s glumicom varao zaručnicu, a poptom je ostavio putem SMS-a.

09/08/2020 PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE: Katie Holmes packs on the PDA with new boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. in New York City. The 41 year old actress and the restaurateur met up for a coffee where the duo engaged in a public makeout session. Holmes looked positively giddy with excitement as she smiled from ear to ear while meeting up with her first love interest since her split from Jamie Foxx.,Image: 557284547, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive NO usage without agreed price and terms. Please contact, Model Release: no, Credit line: / The Image Direct / Profimedia / The Image Direct / Profimedia

Katie, zaljubljena poput tinejdžerke, odlučila je oglušiti se na naslove u kojima su se razapinjali potezi njezinog novog dečka te upozorenja da bi i nju mogla dočekati slična sudbina kao i njegovu bivšu pa je svoju ljubavnu vezu odlučila oglasiti na sva zvona.

New York, CA  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - *WEB EMBARGO UNTIL 9 AM PDT on September 15, 2020* Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr. spend Sunday afternoon together. The Actress took an Uber to visit her new boyfriend at his residence. After 5 hours the couple was spotted leaving Emilio's place. Emilio dropped off the actress and headed to his restaurant after giving her a goodbye kiss. *Shot on September 13, 2020*

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 557947345, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM, Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia

Naime, čim je veza postala javna, Katie i Emilio prestali su se skrivati u javnosti pa pod budnim okom paparazza uživaju u zajedničkim trenucima koliko god im to obveze dopuštaju.

Očarana Katie često dolazi u restoran svog mladića, a zajedničke šetnje, pune nježnih pogleda i šaputanja sve su češće.

New York, NY  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - 
 Katie Holmes and new boyfriend Emilio Vitolo put on a very sweet display as they enjoy a day around the city. The couple are seen riding the NYC Ferry to East 90th Street and went for a walk along the river on a  beautiful late summer day in the city. Katie is clearly smitten with the young restauranteur since the couple were first spotted together about a week ago.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 558118986, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM, Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia

Par je ovih dana snimljen kako uživa u romantičnom spoju pod otvorenim nebom, na trajektu koji ih je odveo do romantične šetnice uz rijeku.

New York, NY  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - 
 Katie Holmes and new boyfriend Emilio Vitolo put on a very sweet display as they enjoy a day around the city. The couple are seen riding the NYC Ferry to East 90th Street and went for a walk along the river on a  beautiful late summer day in the city. Katie is clearly smitten with the young restauranteur since the couple were first spotted together about a week ago.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 558118985, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM, Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia

Mnogi su primijetili kako ovakav sjaj dugo nisu vidjeli u očima zvijezde serije "Dawson's Creek".

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14. ožujak 2025 14:38