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Najmoćnija glazbena obitelj na okupu: Beyonce pokazala i blizance

U sedam godina otkako je rodila prvo dijete, Beyonce se privatno nikada nije razotkrila kao sada, u dokumentarcu 'Making the Gift'.

U sedam godina otkako je rodila prvo dijete, Beyonce se privatno nikada nije razotkrila kao sada, u dokumentarcu 'Making the Gift'.

Sedmogodišnja Blue Ivy Carter, najstarija kći pjevačice Beyoncé (38) i repera Jay-Zja (49), naveliko zabavlja internet - izašao je kratki video u kojem pjeva novu pjesmu, a sve je prikazano i u dokumentarcu "Making the Gift" koji pokazuje kreativni proces nastajanja albuma "The Lion King: The Gift", inspiriranog Disneyjevim animiranim filmom "Kralj lavova".

Simpatični video pokazuje kako Beyonce zapisuje tekst pjesme i svoju kći uči melodiju, prije nego što se Blu Ivy premjesti za mikrofon. Blue je zapjevala "Brown Skin Girl", pjesmu uzdanicu albuma koja slavi žene i djevojke tamnije puti. Iako je mama ispred nje držala tekst, djevojčica niti jednom nije pogledala u njega. Čini se da doista brzo uči i da je naslijedila gene roditelja glazbenika.

Los Angeles, CA  - Beyoncé's Making the Gift special reveals intimate family moments as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Beyoncé's self-described love letter to Africa just took on a whole new meaning. The world-famous performer's latest documentary special, which aired on ABC and is titled Making the Gift, offered a behind-the-scenes look into the creation of her recent The Lion King: The Gift album. In it, cameras first follow Bey, Jay-Z and their children Blue Ivy Carter and twins Rumi Carter and Sir Carter on a trip to Africa. As she described:
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Osim toga, Beyonce je u dokumentarcu otkrila i niz intimnih trenutaka iz njezinog obiteljskog doma, čak je pokazala i neodoljive blizance. U jednom trenutku roditelji pjesmu "Brown Skin Girl" pjevaju svih troje djece, a uslijedili su i neprocjenjivi trenuci s dvogodišnjacima Rumi i Sirom.

Los Angeles, CA  - Beyoncé's Making the Gift special reveals intimate family moments as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Beyoncé's self-described love letter to Africa just took on a whole new meaning. The world-famous performer's latest documentary special, which aired on ABC and is titled Making the Gift, offered a behind-the-scenes look into the creation of her recent The Lion King: The Gift album. In it, cameras first follow Bey, Jay-Z and their children Blue Ivy Carter and twins Rumi Carter and Sir Carter on a trip to Africa. As she described:
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Los Angeles, CA  - Beyoncé's Making the Gift special reveals intimate family moments as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Beyoncé's self-described love letter to Africa just took on a whole new meaning. The world-famous performer's latest documentary special, which aired on ABC and is titled Making the Gift, offered a behind-the-scenes look into the creation of her recent The Lion King: The Gift album. In it, cameras first follow Bey, Jay-Z and their children Blue Ivy Carter and twins Rumi Carter and Sir Carter on a trip to Africa. As she described:
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Los Angeles, CA  - Beyoncé's Making the Gift special reveals intimate family moments as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Beyoncé's self-described love letter to Africa just took on a whole new meaning. The world-famous performer's latest documentary special, which aired on ABC and is titled Making the Gift, offered a behind-the-scenes look into the creation of her recent The Lion King: The Gift album. In it, cameras first follow Bey, Jay-Z and their children Blue Ivy Carter and twins Rumi Carter and Sir Carter on a trip to Africa. As she described:
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Los Angeles, CA  - Beyoncé's Making the Gift special reveals intimate family moments as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Beyoncé's self-described love letter to Africa just took on a whole new meaning. The world-famous performer's latest documentary special, which aired on ABC and is titled Making the Gift, offered a behind-the-scenes look into the creation of her recent The Lion King: The Gift album. In it, cameras first follow Bey, Jay-Z and their children Blue Ivy Carter and twins Rumi Carter and Sir Carter on a trip to Africa. As she described:
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

14. ožujak 2025 14:27