Profimedia, Mega Agency

Napokon u društvu supruga: Obiteljski izlazak ispunjen srećom

Dan ispunjen osmijehom – tako je Natalie Portman opisala svoj posjet Disneylandu, a za njezin osmijeh, osim zabavnog parka, zaslužna su bila i njezina djeca, ali i suprug - s kojim je se rijetko može vidjeti u javnosti.

Dan ispunjen osmijehom – tako je Natalie Portman opisala svoj posjet Disneylandu, a za njezin osmijeh, osim zabavnog parka, zaslužna su bila i njezina djeca, ali i suprug - s kojim je se rijetko može vidjeti u javnosti.

Oskarovka je cijelu svoju obitelj povela u zabavni park u Kaliforniji: sedmogodišnji sin Aleph upijao je svaki detalj u Disneylandu, dok 16-mjesečnoj Amaliji neće mnogo toga ostati u sjećanju. Ipak, za Natalie Portman je to bio poseban dan jer se u Disneylandu družila sa svojim "prijateljima" iz daleke Galaksije. Naime, oskarovka je poznata po svojim ulogama u filmskim hitovima kao što su "V for Vendetta", "Black Swan" i "Thor", ali jedna od najupečatljivijih uloga bila joj je ona u filmu "Star Wars" Georgea Lucasa u kojem je utjelovila kraljicu Amidalu pa nije čudno da je po parku tražila atrakcije posvećene upravo tom filmu.

Natalie Portman fotografirala se sa svojom kćerkom uz jednog od Stormtroopera, a cijela obitelj uživala je gledajući Darth Vadera s kojim je njezin sedmogodišnjak odmjerio snage u borbi sa svjetlosnim mačevima.

EXCLUSIVE: Natalie Portman and her husband Benjamin Millepied take their kids out on a fun day  to the happiest place on earth, Disneyland. The entire family was all smiles as they enjoyed a fun day out eating snacks and enjoying rides including the Autopia ride, its a small world, and big thunder mountain. the family was also seen enjoying a show which Natalie's Son Aleph took part in. The show is star wars themed, where kids fight against Darth Vader. Natalie was in the star wars films and can be seen having a very proud moment as her kid was on stage fighting Darth Vader with a light saber.
Through most of the day, Natalie was seen carrying her daughter Amalia in a baby carrier.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
24 Jun 2018, Image: 376002181, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: Natalie Portman and her husband Benjamin Millepied take their kids out on a fun day  to the happiest place on earth, Disneyland. The entire family was all smiles as they enjoyed a fun day out eating snacks and enjoying rides including the Autopia ride, its a small world, and big thunder mountain. the family was also seen enjoying a show which Natalie's Son Aleph took part in. The show is star wars themed, where kids fight against Darth Vader. Natalie was in the star wars films and can be seen having a very proud moment as her kid was on stage fighting Darth Vader with a light saber.
Through most of the day, Natalie was seen carrying her daughter Amalia in a baby carrier.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
24 Jun 2018, Image: 376001524, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Sa sinom Alephom

37-godišnja glumica unatoč trudnoći i rođenju drugog djeteta u posljednje dvije godine nije nimalo posustala kada su u pitanju novi projekti, ali je bila posvećena isključivo njima pa je se rijetko moglo vidjeti na događanjima, a još rjeđe sa suprugom Benjaminom Millepiedom (41) s kojim će ovog ljeta proslaviti šestu godišnjicu braka.

- Upoznala sam ga na snimanju filma „Black Swan“ pa mi se sada to čini idealan projekt u svakom pogledu. On me podučavao plesanju i sve je bilo jako romantično, ali nije bila ljubav na prvi pogled – izjavila je nedavno Natalie Portman koju fotografi često uhvate u šetnji s djecom.

EXCLUSIVE: Natalie Portman and her husband Benjamin Millepied take their kids out on a fun day  to the happiest place on earth, Disneyland. The entire family was all smiles as they enjoyed a fun day out eating snacks and enjoying rides including the Autopia ride, its a small world, and big thunder mountain. the family was also seen enjoying a show which Natalie's Son Aleph took part in. The show is star wars themed, where kids fight against Darth Vader. Natalie was in the star wars films and can be seen having a very proud moment as her kid was on stage fighting Darth Vader with a light saber.
Through most of the day, Natalie was seen carrying her daughter Amalia in a baby carrier.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
24 Jun 2018, Image: 376001737, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

14. ožujak 2025 10:13