Scarlett Johansson, Romain Dauriaci njihova kćerkica Rose Dorothy
 Profimedia, Mega Agency
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Sad im je bolje nego u braku: Pronašla je novu ljubav, ali cijeli dan je provela s bivšim suprugom

Iako su se razveli prije samo tri mjeseca i ona je nedavno prvi put potvrdila svoju novu ljubav, bivši supružnici ostali su u dobrim odnosima - prvenstveno zbog svoje jedinice Rose.

Iako su se razveli prije samo tri mjeseca i ona je nedavno prvi put potvrdila svoju novu ljubav, bivši supružnici ostali su u dobrim odnosima - prvenstveno zbog svoje jedinice Rose.

Američka glumica Scarlett Johansson (33) i njezin bivši suprug, francuski poduzetnik Romain Dauriac zaboravili su na sve nesuglasice i svoju trogodišnju kćer Rose odveli na obiteljski ručak te nakon toga u kino. Fotografi su ih uhvatili u šetnji New Yorkom: tročlana obitelj izvela se u talijanski restoran Via Quadronno, a nakon toga su pogledali novi Dineyjev film "Coco".

EXCLUSIVE: **Web Embargo on until 20:15 PST 4TH DEC** Scarlett Johansson with her ex-husband French ad man Romain Dauriac, and their three-year old daughter Called Rose. The couple married in 2014 and separated last year but reunited to to spend time with their beloved daughter. just last week, after months of keeping her latest romance low-key, Scarlett Johansson went public with new beauty Colin Jost The couple made their first appearance as a couple at the American Museum of Natural History Gala in New York City. Though the Avengers; Infinity war actress, 32, and the Saturday Night Live Star, 35, walked the red carpet separately, the pose for photos together inside the soiree, Scarlett and ex-husband and their daughter went to get dinner at Via Quadronno, then Christmas shopping, after a long walk they take their daughter to see Coco at the City Cinemas East 86th St.
03 Dec 2017
Pictured: Scarlett Johansson, Romain Dauriac and Rose Dorothy Dauriac., Image: 356890001, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Scarlett Johansson, Romain Dauriaci njihova kćerkica Rose Dorothy

To je prvi put da su bivši supružnici viđeni zajedno otkako je finaliziran njihov razvod u rujnu ove godine: odlučili su se rastati nakon samo dvije godine braka pa sada dijele skrbništvo nad svojom trogodišnjakinjom.

EXCLUSIVE: **Web Embargo on until 20:15 PST 4TH DEC** Scarlett Johansson with her ex-husband French ad man Romain Dauriac, and their three-year old daughter Called Rose. The couple married in 2014 and separated last year but reunited to to spend time with their beloved daughter. just last week, after months of keeping her latest romance low-key, Scarlett Johansson went public with new beauty Colin Jost The couple made their first appearance as a couple at the American Museum of Natural History Gala in New York City. Though the Avengers; Infinity war actress, 32, and the Saturday Night Live Star, 35, walked the red carpet separately, the pose for photos together inside the soiree, Scarlett and ex-husband and their daughter went to get dinner at Via Quadronno, then Christmas shopping, after a long walk they take their daughter to see Coco at the City Cinemas East 86th St.
03 Dec 2017
Pictured: Scarlett Johansson, Romain Dauriac and Rose Dorothy Dauriac., Image: 356889993, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

33-godišnja glumica je nakon razvoda izjavila kako ne vjeruje u monogamiju, iako smatra da ljubav između dvije osobe može potrajati i brak nije u potpunosti prekrižila u svojem životu. Iako je ostavljala dojam nekoga tko se neće brzo ponovno "skrasiti", Scarlett Johansson već ima novu ljubav - i to od svibnja ove godine. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci skrivanja, američka glumica je uhvaćena kako ljubi Colina Josta, zvijezdu showa "Saturday Night Live", a nedavno su zajedno stigli i na crveni tepih - doduše, pozirali su odvojeno.

247PAPS.TV / Splash News
Scarlett Johansson i Colin Jost

15. ožujak 2025 01:35