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Zavirite u luksuzno zdanje! Jon Bon Jovi se počastio čarobnom vilom vrijednom 43 milijuna dolara

Pjevač Jon Bon Jovi u novoj će se vili buditi uz pogled iz snova, bez problema skoknuti do plaže koja se nalazi pred kućom, vina za goste birati u vlastitom vinskom podrumu, i uživati u privatnim teniskim mečevima, daleko od očiju javnosti.

Pjevač Jon Bon Jovi u novoj će se vili buditi uz pogled iz snova, bez problema skoknuti do plaže koja se nalazi pred kućom, vina za goste birati u vlastitom vinskom podrumu, i uživati u privatnim teniskim mečevima, daleko od očiju javnosti.

Miljenik žena Jon Bon Jovi u šezdesetim godinama svog života želi uživati u plodovima svog dugogodišnjeg rada pa ne štedi kad su raskošne nekretnine u pitanju.

58-godišnji roker nedavno je prodao kuću na Floridi za 22 milijuna dolara, a zatim znatno povećao ulog i isprsio se za predivnu vilu u Palm Beachu, koju je platio nevjerojatnih 43 milijuna dolara.

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980640, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980652, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Za taj je iznos dobio glamuroznu, dizajnerski uređenu vilu s pogledom na more, uređenu u neutralnim tonovima koji se isprepliću s nijansama plave i žute boje.

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980625, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980469, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Spavaće sobe su velike i prozračne, svaka dotjerana u svojoj boji, a kupaonice su jednostavne, bijele i elegantne, opremljene najskupljom keramikom.

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980333, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Uz pogled, u kojem Jon Bon Jovi i njegovi najdraži mogu guštati iz većine prostorija u kući, posebno mjesto za uživanje nalazi se u šarmantno opremljenom vrtu s bazenom i udobnim ležaljkama presvučenim bijelim platnom.

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980366, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980458, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

Uz bazen, na manju se nalazi i teniski teren na kojem može vježbati tenis sa suprugom i djecom. Vlasnika nogometne momčadi Philadelphia Soul navodno veseli i činjenica da se njegova nova kuća nalazi u blizini vile Howarda Sterna, njegovog dobrog prijatelja.

Jon Bon Jovi has splashed out a staggering  million on an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

The rock superstar sold his smaller home down the road for around  million at the same time.  It’s about a mile from the home of radio shock jock Howard Stern - one of Bon Jovi’s good friends.

The oceanfront estate has seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms.  Inside, there’s also a beautiful formal dining room, an office, a top-of-the-range kitchen, an exercise room, an elevator and a temperature-controlled wine cellar. It has ocean views throughout. 

Outside, there are two oceanfront loggias, courtyard pool and cabana.,Image: 545980366, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia
IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia

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29. siječanj 2025 14:25