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Oaza za uživanje: Zavirite u čaroban dom Pamele Anderson na plaži Malibu

U raskošnom domu punom svjetla i rustikalnog namještaja kriju se četiri spavaće sobe, tri kupaonice i kuća za goste u kojoj bi uživali i najrazmaženiji.

U raskošnom domu punom svjetla i rustikalnog namještaja kriju se četiri spavaće sobe, tri kupaonice i kuća za goste u kojoj bi uživali i najrazmaženiji.

Zvijezdu 'Baywatcha" proslavilo je trčkaranje po plaži, a i u privatnom se životu najbolje osjeća kad je blizu pijeska i oceana.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667468, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Prije desetak godina Pamela Anderson kupila je kuću u Malibuu koju je uredila baš po svojim željama pa je prostor pun bijelog namještaja, drva svjetla i namještaja za izležavanje i opuštanje.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667530, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Prije pet godina, Pamela je pokušala prodati luksuzan dom, a sad ga iznajmljuje za 40.000 dolara mjesečno.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667360, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

U samoj sredini nalazi se veliki bazen uz koji se protežu brojne ležaljke, a upravo taj prostor kuću dijeli na dva odvojena dijela.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667555, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

U kući za goste sretnici koji imaju priliku posjetiti ovaj dom mogu uživati u jacuzziju, zasvirati na klaviru ili se sklupčati u prostranom krevetu uz pucketanje vatre iz kamina.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667391, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Dnevni boravak namješten je bijelom sofom i velikim foteljama, a iz rustikalno uređene blagovaonice izlazi se na prostranu terasu koja gleda na bazen.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667542, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Luksuzan dom s 'domaćim ugođajem' dizajnirao je arhitekt Philip Vertoch dok su se pri uređenju interijera udružili profesionalac Josh Chryssanthou i vlasnica kuće Pamela Anderson.

One-time ‘Baywatch’ babe Pamela Anderson has put her Malibu home up for lease at ,000-a-month.

The blonde bombshell has owned the Malibu Colony property for more than a decade and tried to sell it about five years ago.
It’s two structures separated by a swimming pool.
The 5,500 square foot property has been designed by architect Philip Vertoch. The interior was designed by Pamela and interior designer Josh Chryssanthou.
Inside there’s a chef’s kitchen and the master bedroom suite has its own fireplace and soaking tub and a patio that overlooks the pool.
Including the guesthouse, which has its own hot tub and custom fire pit, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms., Image: 386667455, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

10. ožujak 2025 11:06