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Sve je u drvu: Zavirite u prekrasnu kuću koju je glumica Ellen Pompeo sama dizajnirala

Jedna od najplaćenijih TV glumica na svijetu, Ellen Pompeo, prodala je jednu od svojih nekretnina - kuću u kojoj je povremeno živjela u Sag Harboru u New Yorku.

Jedna od najplaćenijih TV glumica na svijetu, Ellen Pompeo, prodala je jednu od svojih nekretnina - kuću u kojoj je povremeno živjela u Sag Harboru u New Yorku.

Ellen Pompeo (50), glumica široj javnosti najpoznatija po ulozi liječnice Meredith Grey u seriji 'Uvod u anatomiju', prodala je svoju kuću za 2,99 milijuna dolara. Zavirili smo iza četiri zida njezine dosadašnje kuće, radoznali u kakvom je prostoru glumačka zvijezda živjela i već na prvu zadivljuje način na koji su unutarnji i vanjski prostor s lakoćom povezani u cjelinu koja pruža mir i povezanost s prirodom, za kojom toliko čeznemo.


Actress Ellen Pompeo has sold her home in Sag Harbor, New York for .995 million. Built in 2013 and designed by Pompeo herself, there are 2,400 square feet of living space, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The house sits on eight acres of land. 

Pictured: Ellen Pompeo's house, Image: 490779349, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia
REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia


Actress Ellen Pompeo has sold her home in Sag Harbor, New York for .995 million. Built in 2013 and designed by Pompeo herself, there are 2,400 square feet of living space, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The house sits on eight acres of land. 

Pictured: Ellen Pompeo's house, Image: 490779312, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia
REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia

Zdanje oduzima dah prije svega zbog topline drva koje je okosnica unutrašnjeg i vanjskog uređenja, no zadivljuje činjenica da je i sama kuća - drvena. Pomalo iznenađuje činjenica da Pompeo prodaju kuću koja je relativno nova - sagrađena je 2013. godine i da čuđenje bude još veće, sama ju je dizajnirala prema svojim zamislima, odnosno potrebama.


Actress Ellen Pompeo has sold her home in Sag Harbor, New York for .995 million. Built in 2013 and designed by Pompeo herself, there are 2,400 square feet of living space, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The house sits on eight acres of land. 

Pictured: Ellen Pompeo's house, Image: 490779357, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia
REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia


Actress Ellen Pompeo has sold her home in Sag Harbor, New York for .995 million. Built in 2013 and designed by Pompeo herself, there are 2,400 square feet of living space, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The house sits on eight acres of land. 

Pictured: Ellen Pompeo's house, Image: 490779319, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia
REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia

Kuća ima 2400 četvornih metara stambenog prostora i leži na osam hektara zemlje.


Actress Ellen Pompeo has sold her home in Sag Harbor, New York for .995 million. Built in 2013 and designed by Pompeo herself, there are 2,400 square feet of living space, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The house sits on eight acres of land. 

Pictured: Ellen Pompeo's house, Image: 490779340, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia
REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia


Actress Ellen Pompeo has sold her home in Sag Harbor, New York for .995 million. Built in 2013 and designed by Pompeo herself, there are 2,400 square feet of living space, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The house sits on eight acres of land. 

Pictured: Ellen Pompeo's house, Image: 490779327, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia
REALTOR / Planet / Profimedia

Ellen Pompeo inače ima više luksuznih nekretnina, a jedna od ljepših je smještena u predjelu Whitley Heights nedaleko Hollywooda.

22. siječanj 2025 12:49