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Pomućena bračna sreća: Justin Timberlake i Jessica Biel ne smiju se kao nekad, razlog zna cijeli svijet

Posljednjih mjeseci brak Justina Timberlakea i Jessice Biel bio je pod povećalom medija i javnosti. Svi se pitaju je li mini incident koji su ulovili fotografi njegovo prisno držanje za ruke s kolegicom Alishom Wainwright ugrozio mu je brak s glumicom.

Posljednjih mjeseci brak Justina Timberlakea i Jessice Biel bio je pod povećalom medija i javnosti. Svi se pitaju je li mini incident koji su ulovili fotografi njegovo prisno držanje za ruke s kolegicom Alishom Wainwright ugrozio mu je brak s glumicom.

Slavni supružnici pokazali da se maksimalno trude kako bi održali dobre odnose. Oboje su stavili brak u fokus, a često ih fotografi znaju sresti u šetnji New Yorkom, dok se ispijaju kavu i razgovaraju. Prema pisanju medija, Jessica suprugu Justinu nije oprostila, ali mu je dala šansu da trudom i zalaganjem sve ispravi. Justin i Jessica uživaju u tome da vrijeme provode zajedno da njihov sin Silas (4) ne osjeti lošu vibru. Zabundana obitelj krenula je u šetnju, a mnoge zabrinjava njihova ozbiljna lica.

01/21/2020 EXCLUSIVE: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel step out as a family in New York City. The duo shared a kiss despite some reported turbulence in the relationship. Biel wore a beanie, Moncler puffer, ripped jeans, and Nike trainers. Timberlake sported a beanie, blue jacket, and Nike Air Jordans. 

 **VIDEO AVAILABLE**, Image: 494041057, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive NO usage without agreed price and terms. Please contact, Model Release: no, Credit line: / The Image Direct / Profimedia / The Image Direct / Profimedia

01/21/2020 EXCLUSIVE: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel step out as a family in New York City. The duo shared a kiss despite some reported turbulence in the relationship. Biel wore a beanie, Moncler puffer, ripped jeans, and Nike trainers. Timberlake sported a beanie, blue jacket, and Nike Air Jordans. 

 **VIDEO AVAILABLE**, Image: 494040998, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive NO usage without agreed price and terms. Please contact, Model Release: no, Credit line: / The Image Direct / Profimedia / The Image Direct / Profimedia

Dok su svjetski mediji prenosili fotografije, a u naslovima vrištalo 'Justin prevario Jessicu', par je nekoliko dana šutio. Potom se oglasio Justin koji se javno ispričao supruzi, i to putem Instagrama. "Inače se držim što dalje od tračeva, ali zbog moje obitelji mislim da je važno da se oglasim oko nedavnih nagađanja koja su povrijedila osobe koje volim. Prije nekoliko tjedana loše sam prosudio, ali odmah ću kazati - ništa se nije dogodilo između moje kolegice i mene. Tu večer sam popio previše i žao mi je zbog načina na koji sam se ponašao, trebao sam znati bolje. To nije primjer koji želim pokazati svom sinu. Ispričavam se svojoj divnoj ženi i obitelji jer sam im priuštio ovu sramotnu situaciju i fokusiran sam na to da budem što bolji muž i otac. Ovo nije bilo to. Jako sam uzbuđen što radim na filmu 'Palmer', veselim se nastavku i uzbuđen sam što će ga ljudi vidjeti", ispričao je glumac.

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE:  *NO US TV. NO WEB UNTIL 2200 GMT 25TH NOV* Justin Timberlake tenderly locks hands with beautiful co-star Alisha Wainwright in sensational photos which will shock devoted wife Jessica Biel. Approaching midnight in a New Orleans night spot, Timberlake, 38, was spotted reaching over and clutching the arm of the stunning 30-year-old actress, before she tenderly rested her hand on his right knee. The pair -  who play on-screen lovers ion their latest movie - then gripped each others hands tightly as they sat intimately chatting and drinking after a days filming. Timberlake, not wearing the wedding band he was seen wearing earlier in the week, wrapped both his hands around Wainwrights and looked longingly into her eyes. The photos risk breaking the heart of Biel, 37, his wife of seven years, and mother of the couples son, Silas, 4. Witnesses were shocked to see the singer and actor openly displaying affection for Wainwright, best known for her role as Maia Roberts on the Freeform television series Shadowhunters. She looked stunning in a figure-hugging green dress. The pair were deep in conversation for about 40 minutes, before they disappeared inside the bar. Its believed they left via a rear exit at about 12.30am. One said Timberlake, wearing a cap, ripped jeans, and a zip-up jacket, looked to have been drinking heavily. It was 11.40pm on Thursday evening that the actors, currently filming the drama Palmer, were seen sitting chatting in the dark corner on a balcony at The Absinthe House, on Bourbon Street. At one stage, Timberlake grabbed Wainwrights hand and rested in on his knee under their table. He then gently caressed it with both his hands. He was seen smiling and locked in intimate conversation with his co-star, who at one stage, stroked his back. Justin looked really into her, said an eye witness. They were smiling and laughing and at one stage He grabbed her hand and rested it on his knee. She then gently started stroking his leg. Then he clutched her hand with both of his. He was playing with her hands. It was all very intimate. Wainwright, looking stunning in a figure-hugging green dress, can currently be seen starring alongside Michael B Jordan in the Netflix series Raising Dion. Timberlake and Biel are widely considered to have one of the most solid marriages in Hollywood. Both regularly post heartfelt videos on Instagram. In January 2018, Biel took to Instagram to share a photo of her and Timberlake for his birthday. She captioned the photo,
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Izvor blizak ovom slavnom paru, koji je u braku od 2012. i imaju četverogodišnjeg sina Silasa, rekao je: Očigledno je da je Justin ovaj put malo previše popio, ali Jessica vjeruje da ju nije prevario. Obitelj je njoj najvažnija na svijetu i daje sve kako bi bila najbolja majka na svijetu. Nikada ne bi razorila obitelj zbog nečeg poput ovog'.

Izvor blizak Biel rekao je da je bilo u redu što se Justin ispričao, ali je 'pravi posao morao odrađivati iza četiri zida'.

"Ne mislim da bi učinio nešto što bi promijenilo njegovu trenutačnu situaciju. Odrastao je posljednjih godina i voli svaku slobodnu minutu provesti uz svog sina. Čak voli i veću odgovornost", rekao je izvor.

LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 21:  Justin Timberlake (R) and Jessica Biel (L) attend the Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah Jazz game at Staples Center on April 21, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)
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07. ožujak 2025 04:27