Voditeljica i komičarka Ellen DeGeneres i glumica Portia de Rossi preuređuju svoju povijesnu kuću u Montecitu u Kaliforniji, radi brzog i potencijalnog visokog prihoda od prodaje, donosi People magazin. Njezino se bogatstvo danas procenjuje na vrtoglavih 360 milijuna dolara, a njezin 'The Ellen DeGeneres show' jedan je od najgledanijih i najpopularnijih. Poznate dame kuću su kupile za 3,6 milijuna dolara, a za nju traže 6,9 milijuna dolara.
Ellen DeGeneres (62) i njezina supruga Portia de Rossi (47) prodaju spektakularnu kuću u Montecitu u Kaliforniji. Čitava nekretnina uređenu je u Tudor stilu, a radi se o dva objekta koja su povezana zimskim vrtom.
Unutrašnjost ovog luksuznog zdanja bogato je zanimljivim detaljima.
![Chat show host Ellen DeGeneres and actress wife Portia De Rossi are selling a quirky English Tudor-style residence just FOUR MONTHS after purchasing it.
They have put the property in the exclusive seaside community of Montecito, California up for sale for .9 million. The couple – who buy and sell real estate as a hobby – purchased it earlier in the year for just .6 million.
The quirky residence was originally a pair of barn-like Tudor buildings that date to the mid-1700s. Originally built in Surrey, the antique structures were carefully dismantled, and then painstakingly reconstructed on a thickly wooded parcel of about 1.3 acres in Montecito.
It is 5,500 square feet and has just two bedrooms, two full and two half bathrooms.
The couple and their expert team have carried out numerous renovations while preserving the integrity of the architecture. They’ve installed a high-end new kitchen with a modern-day snack bar and brought the bathrooms up to date.
Inside, there’s a huge double-height living room. There’s also an octagonal study lined with stunning, 28-pane casement windows, a small lounge with a massive corner fireplace and a lofted den that overlooks the living room.
In another wing, a lofted bedroom with fireplace overlooks a second living room that is anchored by an asymmetrical brick fireplace painted bright white in its most recent overhaul.
The house spills out to several brick terraces surrounded by lush and romantically sun-dappled fairy-tale gardens laced with stone pathways., Image: 516302650, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2020/5/13/13/profimedia-0516302650.jpg)
Tijekom proteklih 15 godina stvorila je pravo carstvo nekretnina, koje kupuje, pa zatim preuređuje, i prodaje brojnim poznatim osobama. U jednom je intervjuu naglasila kako je za nju to zabava, a ne neko okretanje novca ili potreba za zaradom.
"Kupimo kuću i u njoj živimo. Dosadi nam jer volimo različite stilove, namještaje i uređenje. Ako nađemo drugu i pritom nešto zaradimo, zašto se ne bi preselili?", rekla je jednom pričajući o svojim poslovnim pothvatima.
Nova kuća ima tek tri spavaće sobe
No, vratimo se ovoj aktualnoj u Tudor stilu. Tudorske kuće su uglavnom rađene od opeke s dekorativnim iscrtanim pročeljem sastavljenim od tankih ploča ili kamenim punjenjem.
''Kuća slavne televizijske voditeljice i glumice originalno je izgrađena u Surreyju u Engleskoj te je pažljivo dekonstruirana i prevezena u Kaliforniju, a tamo ponovo sastavljena na privatnom zemljištu veličine oko pola hektara'', otkrio je stručnjak za nekretnine Robert Riskin iz Riskin Partners grupe.
Kuća je uređena u Tudorskom stilu.
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi have just bought this house in Montecito, California for .607 million. There are 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Originally built in Surrey, England, the mid-1700s house was dismantled, shipped and reconstructed on the 1.3 acre plot. They are planning to update and then resell the house for a profit.
Pictured: Ellen DeGeneres's house, Image: 493755582, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: MOVOTO / Planet / Profimedia](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2020/5/13/13/profimedia-0493755582.jpg)
U kući se nalaze i velika blagovaonica, manja prostorija za posluživanje doručka, privatna knjižnica, kućna teretana, podrum i garaža u koju se mogu parkirati tri automobila.
Prostor za spremanje i posluživanje doručka.
![Chat show host Ellen DeGeneres and actress wife Portia De Rossi are selling a quirky English Tudor-style residence just FOUR MONTHS after purchasing it.
They have put the property in the exclusive seaside community of Montecito, California up for sale for .9 million. The couple – who buy and sell real estate as a hobby – purchased it earlier in the year for just .6 million.
The quirky residence was originally a pair of barn-like Tudor buildings that date to the mid-1700s. Originally built in Surrey, the antique structures were carefully dismantled, and then painstakingly reconstructed on a thickly wooded parcel of about 1.3 acres in Montecito.
It is 5,500 square feet and has just two bedrooms, two full and two half bathrooms.
The couple and their expert team have carried out numerous renovations while preserving the integrity of the architecture. They’ve installed a high-end new kitchen with a modern-day snack bar and brought the bathrooms up to date.
Inside, there’s a huge double-height living room. There’s also an octagonal study lined with stunning, 28-pane casement windows, a small lounge with a massive corner fireplace and a lofted den that overlooks the living room.
In another wing, a lofted bedroom with fireplace overlooks a second living room that is anchored by an asymmetrical brick fireplace painted bright white in its most recent overhaul.
The house spills out to several brick terraces surrounded by lush and romantically sun-dappled fairy-tale gardens laced with stone pathways., Image: 516302619, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: IMP Features / IMP Features / Profimedia](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2020/5/13/13/profimedia-0516302619.jpg)
''Iako su u prošlosti kupovale i prodavale mnoge nekretnine, uvijek su živjele u tim kućama, ovo je prvo imanje koje su ikada kupile s namjerom obnove i prodaje'', otkrio je Riskin. Kuća je sada preuređena i ima dvije spavaće sobe od prvobitne tri kad su je kupile, a tu su i četiri kupaonice. Na posjedu od 1.35 hektara ima nekoliko terasa, bujnih vrtova i kamenitih staza.
Ellen je s posebnom pažnjom uređivala spavaće sobe pa ih u novoj verziji ima manje.
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi have just bought this house in Montecito, California for .607 million. There are 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Originally built in Surrey, England, the mid-1700s house was dismantled, shipped and reconstructed on the 1.3 acre plot. They are planning to update and then resell the house for a profit.
Pictured: Ellen DeGeneres's house, Image: 493755517, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: MOVOTO / Planet / Profimedia](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2020/5/13/13/profimedia-0493755517.jpg)
Još samo da nađu kupca, ali sudeći po navikama stranih zvijezda, koje ne žive dugo u istim kućama, to ne bi trebao biti problem.
Čitajte i:
Ellen DeGeneres: Iz životne tragedije je izašla jača i uspješnija
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Za sudjelovanje u komentarima je potrebna prijava, odnosno registracija ako još nemaš korisnički profil....