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Julia Louis-Dreyfus zbog teške bolesti propustila dodjelu nagrada

Iako je zbog bolesti morala propustiti svečanu dodjelu nagrada u Los Angelesu, Julia Louis-Dreyfus (57) gledala je prijenos iz topline svojeg doma i u pidžami dočekala ulazak u povijest.

Iako je zbog bolesti morala propustiti svečanu dodjelu nagrada u Los Angelesu, Julia Louis-Dreyfus (57) gledala je prijenos iz topline svojeg doma i u pidžami dočekala ulazak u povijest.

Američka glumica, najpoznatija po ulozi u serijama "Seinfeld" i "Veep", postala je glumica kojoj je uručeno najviše nagrada na dodjeli Screen Actors Guild Awards (Nagradi udruženja glumaca). Sinoć su joj u Los Angelesu dodijeljene dodatne dvije pa sada ima ukupno devet SAG pobjeda, jednu više od glumca Aleca Baldwina i glumice Julianne Margulies. 57-godišnja glumica sinoć je proglašena najboljom glumicom u humorističnoj seriji, a zaradila je kipić i kao dio ekipe serije "Veep", koja je nagrađena za najbolju glumačku postavu u humorističnoj seriji.

- Voljela bih da sam mogla biti na dodjeli SAG nagrada večeras, ali moram priznati da je zabavno gledati je u pidžami. Počašćena sam zbog pobjede i čestitam svojoj ekipi iz "Veepa". Žao mi je što nisam s vama – napisala je glumica na svojem Twitter profilu.

Actor/producer Julia Louis-Dreyfus, winner of the awards for Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for
Profimedia, UPI
Na dodjeli Emmyja prošle godine

Julia Louis-Dreyfus je dosad osvojila pet SAG nagrada za svoj rad na seriji "Seinfeld", dok joj je ostalih četiri donio "Veep". Da je očekuje teška borba za zdravlje, glumica je otkrila u rujnu prošle godine objavivši svoju borbu protiv raka dojke samo dan nakon dodjele nagrada Emmy, na kojima je ušla u povijest kao najnagrađivanija glumica dosad. Od tada svako toliko svoje obožavatelje obavijesti o napretku liječenja, a prije desetak dana otkrila je da je gotova s kemoterapijama, što su s posebnim oduševljenjem proslavili njezini sinovi - Charles i Henry - te njezin suprug Brad Hall.

Pogledajte ostale dobitnike SAG nagrada:

Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture

The Big Sick
Get Out
Lady Bird
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

24th Screen Actors Guild Awards Äì Photo Room Äì Los Angeles, California, U.S., 21/01/2018 Äì The cast of
Ekipa filma "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri"

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role, Motion Picture

Judi Dench, Victoria & Abdul
Sally Hawkins, The Shape of Water
Frances McDormand, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Margot Robbie, I, Tonya
Saoirse Ronan, Lady Bird

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role, Motion Picture

Timothée Chalamet, Call Me by Your Name
James Franco, The Disaster Artist
Daniel Kaluuya, Get Out
Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour
Denzel Washington, Roman J. Israel, Esq.

24th Screen Actors Guild Awards Äì Photo Room Äì Los Angeles, California, U.S., 21/01/2018 Äì Gary Oldman poses backstage with host Kristen Bell as he holds his award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for
Gary Oldman i Kristen Bell

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

The Crown
Game of Thrones
The Handmaid’s Tale
Stranger Things
This Is Us

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series

Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things
Claire Foy, The Crown
Laura Linney, Ozark
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale
Robin Wright, House of Cards

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series

Jason Bateman, Ozark
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
David Harbour, Stranger Things
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul

24th Screen Actors Guild Awards Äì Photo Room Äì Los Angeles, California, U.S., 21/01/2018 Äì Sterling K. Brown poses backstage with his awards for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series and Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series for
Sterling K. Brown

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Limited Series or Television Movie

Laura Dern, Big Little Lies
Nicole Kidman, Big Little Lies
Jessica Lange, Feud: Bette and Joan
Susan Sarandon, Feud: Bette and Joan
Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Limited Series or Television Movie

Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock
Jeff Daniels, Godless
Robert De Niro, The Wizard of Lies
Geoffrey Rush, Genius
Alexander Skarsgard, Big Little Lies

24th Screen Actors Guild Awards Äì Photo Room Äì Los Angeles, California, U.S., 21/01/2018 Äì Alexander Skarsgard with his Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series award for 'Big Little Lies' and Nicole Kidman with her Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series award for 'Big Little Lies'. REUTERS/Monica Almeida
Alexander Skarsgard i Nicole Kidman

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role, Motion Picture

Steve Carell, Battle of the Sexes
Willem Dafoe, The Florida Project
Woody Harrelson, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Richard Jenkins, The Shape of Water
Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

24th Screen Actors Guild Awards Äì Photo Room Äì Los Angeles, California, U.S., 21/01/2018 Äì Sam Rockwell poses backstage with his award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role for
Sam Rockwell

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role, Motion Picture

Mary J. Blige, Mudbound
Hong Chau, Downsizing
Holly Hunter, The Big Sick
Allison Janney, I, Tonya
Laurie Metcalf, Lady Bird

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series

Curb Your Enthusiasm
Orange Is the New Black

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series

Uzo Aduba, Orange Is the New Black
Alison Brie, GLOW
Jane Fonda, Grace and Frankie
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep
Lily Tomlin, Grace and Frankie

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series

Anthony Anderson, Black-ish
Aziz Ansari, Master of None
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Sean Hayes, Will & Grace
William H. Macy, Shameless
Marc Maron, GLOW

Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture

Baby Driver
War for the Planet of the Apes
Wonder Woman

Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series

Game of Thrones
Stranger Things
The Walking Dead

14. ožujak 2025 20:08