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Obitelj Beckham: Luksuzni odmor na jahti

Luksuzna jahta privremeni je dom obitelji Beckham koja uživa u mirnoj plovidbi uz obalu Miamija gdje provode dane nakon uskrsnih blagdana.

Luksuzna jahta privremeni je dom obitelji Beckham koja uživa u mirnoj plovidbi uz obalu Miamija gdje provode dane nakon uskrsnih blagdana.

Bivši nogometaš David Beckham sa suprugom, britanskom dizajnericom Victorijom Beckham iskoristio je sunčane dane za boravak na pučini, a osim njihove djece društvo im pravi i pjevač Marc Anthony. Dok su dečki vodili male muške razgovore, 43-godišnja bivša spajsica družila se sa svima pomalo, ali se nije skidala iz svojeg crnog outfita i većinu vremena provela je na jahti, umjesto u moru gdje su vratolomije izvodili njezini sinovi: 19-godišnji Brooklyn, 15-godišnji Romeo i 13-godišnji Cruz. Baš poput mame i 6-godišnja Harper se držala sigurnosti broda i nije se skidala iz ljetne haljinice.

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** David and Victoria Beckham hit the high seas on Sunday April 1 to enjoy their first family Easter in Miami. They were joined by celebrity pal Marc Anthony along with their entire brood including Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. David, who recently announced his new MLS soccer team in Miami, appeared in high spirits as he partied on the luxury yacht while knocking back beers with the Latin crooner. Brooklyn seemed to be particularly enamored with the delights of the Magic City as he was seen Salsa dancing with a mystery blond, who was not Chloe Moretz. However, Victoria appeared her dour self, dressed in an all black, and didn't even manage to strip off to her bikini, despite the sweltering heat. The Beckhams, who were earlier spotted at the Men's Final of the Miami Open, were also joined on their pleasure cruise by businessman Marcelo Claure. The Bolivian billionaire is part owner of David's new team, which is expected to join the MLS in 2020. The happy family spent four hours on the enormous yacht before heading to dry land after watching the famous Florida sunset.
Pictured: Beckham family, Marc Anthony, Brooklyn, Cruz, Romeo, David, Victoria
<B>Ref: SPL1678316  040418   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
Splash News

Portorikansko-američki pjevač već je godinama jako dobar prijatelj s Beckhamovima, a nekoliko dana prije izleta na luksuznoj jahti David i on su uživali u zajedničkom izlasku u Miamiju, gdje je Marc Anthony bivšem nogometašu pokazao par plesnih koraka. Cijela obitelj Beckham često odlazi zajedno na odmor - pa čak i 19-godišnji Brooklyn koji od prošle godine studira u New Yorku.

23. veljača 2025 17:27